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We Happy Few

2016.07.29 Portugal Issue TVI24 1. Marina Joyce 10000+ Search O estranho caso da youtuber Marina Joyce TVI24 Fãs da jovem pediram ajuda às autoridades para salvar a jovem britânica. Alegaram, por exemplo, que esta podia estar a ser vítima de maus tratos e a ser manipulada pelo Estado Islâmico. Mas, na verdade, tudo pode não ter passado de um golpe da... Correio do Minho 2. Dia dos Avós 10000+ Search Crianças animaram Dia..
2016.07.29 Australia Issue NEWS.com.au 1. The Bachelor Australia 100000+ Search I said it behind your back: Keiras embarrassing outburst on The Bachelor NEWS.com.au On the latest series of The Bachelor, the straight shooter is Keira. Keiras an account manager, likes to wear a neck choker and has no problem telling you how it is. Its her thing, shes just being honest, babes (she also likes to call you “babes” as ... TIME 2..
2016.07.29 Poland Issue Krakow.Wyborcza.pl (komunikaty prasowe) (subskrypcia) 1. Maciej Szymon Cieśla 50000+ Search Maciej Szymon Cieśla - wolontariusz ŚDM, o którym usłyszał cały ... Krakow.Wyborcza.pl (komunikaty prasowe) (subskrypcia) Papież mógł wspomnieć o tylu osobach, ale wybrał Maćka Cieślę, 27-latka, który przygotował oprawę graficzną na ŚDM. I który marzył tylko o jednym: żeby żyć. Maciej Szymon Cieśla zmarł ..
2016.07.28 Russia Issue Московский комсомолец 1. Ростов Андерлехт 20000+ Search Ростов - Андерлехт 2:2: вице-чемпион России дебютировал в ЛЧ с ничьей. Онлайн - трансляция Московский комсомолец 90+4 Последняя замена в матче. Андерлехт ее провел. Дефур ушел. Вышел Хейлен. 90+3 Азмун сейчас едва не отобрал мяч у Де Майо! А так бы вышел один на один... 90+2 Судья просит врачей Ростова помочь Тимофею Калачеву. На газоне игр..
2016.07.28 Finland Issue Asheville Citizen-Times 1. Barbara Bach 5000+ Search Final step ahead for $74M Asheville bond referendum Asheville Citizen-Times Bach said calculations he did with a financial expert showed a 10 to 15 percent tax increase. Interviewed after the meeting, Asheville Chief Financial Officer Barbara Whitehorn said she didnt know where the 10 to 15 percent number came from. Council... Kotaku Australia..
2016.07.28 U K Issue The Sun 1. Celebrity Big Brother 2016 200000+ Search Celebrity Big Brother contestants spotted arriving at hotel as they head into ... The Sun BUSTED! The leaked contestants revealed to be taking part in this years Celebrity Big Brother made little attempt to disguise themselves as they were snapped arriving at a hotel near the TV studios in Borehamwood. Those seen lugging their belongings... BB..
2016.07.28 Sweden Issue Aftonbladet 1. Isabella Lundgren 10000+ Search Nervig Lundgren fyller årets olyckskvot Aftonbladet AA innebär att människor stöttar varandra och i Lundgrens fall blev det också öppningen till att hon vände sig till Gud. Hon såg poängen med en Gud och kunde citera någon som sagt, att lidande skapar karaktär: det var dags att sluta ljuga och att sluta ... Svenska YLE 2. Allsång På Skansen 2016 500..
2016.07.28 Denmark Issue CNN 1. Hillary Clinton 10000+ Search Hillary Clintons challenge: Igniting excitement CNN I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman -- not me, not Bill, nobody -- more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America, Obama said. Trump, the president said, is betting that if he ... The Independent 2. Christina Knudsen 5000+ Search Christin..