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Europe ISSUE/Finland

2016.07.28 Finland Issue

1. Barbara Bach

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Final step ahead for $74M Asheville bond referendum Asheville Citizen-Times

Bach said calculations he did with a financial expert showed a 10 to 15 percent tax increase. Interviewed after the meeting, Asheville Chief Financial Officer Barbara Whitehorn said she didnt know where the 10 to 15 percent number came from. Council...

2. We Happy Few

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You Can Finish We Happy Few In Two Minutes Kotaku Australia

We Happy Few is meant to be a sprawling survival game played out on a maggot-ridden, drug-addled British stage. But it doesnt have to be. (Warning: minor We Happy Few spoilers ahead.) At the very beginning, the game gives you a choice: Pop a pill of...

'Europe ISSUE > Finland' 카테고리의 다른 글

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