| 1. Barbara Bach 5000+ Search Final step ahead for $74M Asheville bond referendum Asheville Citizen-Times Bach said calculations he did with a financial expert showed a 10 to 15 percent tax increase. Interviewed after the meeting, Asheville Chief Financial Officer Barbara Whitehorn said she didnt know where the 10 to 15 percent number came from. Council... |
| 2. We Happy Few 2000+ Search You Can Finish We Happy Few In Two Minutes Kotaku Australia We Happy Few is meant to be a sprawling survival game played out on a maggot-ridden, drug-addled British stage. But it doesnt have to be. (Warning: minor We Happy Few spoilers ahead.) At the very beginning, the game gives you a choice: Pop a pill of... |
'Europe ISSUE > Finland' 카테고리의 다른 글
2016.07.30 Finland Issue (0) | 2016.08.15 |
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2016.07.25 Finland Issue (0) | 2016.07.31 |