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2016.08.06 Australia Issue The Guardian 1. Orlando Bloom 100000+ Search Does Orlando Blooms pixellated penis rectify Hollywoods double standards? The Guardian I wish I could say “hysteria over Orlando Blooms genitals” is a sequence of words I never thought I would write, but that wouldnt be entirely truthful. What does it mean? There are so many possibilities. The revelation of a celebrity penis being ... NEWS.com.au 2. R..
2016.08.05 Australia Issue NEWS.com.au 1. Emirates 50000+ Search Audio of the moment Emirates plane EK521 crash landed on the runway emerges NEWS.com.au The Emirates airliner that crash landed in Dubai tried to regain altitude in the last moments before it hit the ground, transponder data and air traffic control communications suggest. The airline and investigators have not confirmed the findings, and ... Fox Sports 2. Ja..
2016.08.04 Australia Issue ABC Online 1. Suicide Squad 200000+ Search Review: Suicide Squad is dead on arrival ABC Online With its promise of darkness and irony, DCs Suicide Squad was meant to be a comic book movie with a difference, but it ends up being as earnest as all the rest, writes Jason Di Rosso. The trailer for Suicide Squad looked different to the usual po ... The Sydney Morning Herald 2. RBA 50000+ Search Marke..
2016.08.03 Australia Issue The Australian 1. Census 100000+ Search 2016 Census risks becoming a debacle says Nick Xenophon The Australian “The Australian Bureau of Statistics in undertaking the census, always protects the peoples privacy and the security of their personal details is absolute. And that is protected by law and by practice, so that is a given,” the Prime Minister told ... NEWS.com.au 2. Melania Trump 20000+ ..
2016.08.02 Australia Issue The Sydney Morning Herald 1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book 100000+ Search Big W $15 sale of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book leaves customers angry The Sydney Morning Herald Customers complained that stores were not sufficiently stocked to meet demand, with some stocking fewer than 50 books. Big W customers around Australia have complained about the sale of the latest J.K. Rowling..
2016.08.01 Australia Issue Perth Now 1. Cool Runnings 5000+ Search Cool running for WA underdogs Perth Now But like the Jamaican bobsleigh team in Cool Runnings, the Perth huskies wont be held back by such trivialities as a lack of snow here. It last snowed in Perth in 1956. Tapping-based competitor Julie Bavington and her huskies had their last training ... NEWS.com.au 2. Suicidé Squad 5000+ Search How Will Smith made Su..
2016.07.31 Australia Issue dailytelegraph.com.au 1. PGA Championship 10000+ Search PGA Championship: Day makes his charge dailytelegraph.com.au Americans Jimmy Walker and Robert Streb hold the lead, with Streb shooting a major championship record-equalling seven-under-63, but Day has made his presence felt. The leaders sit at nine-under-131 with Day just two back in a tie for third after a 65. Just Jared 2. Jaden Smith 10..
2016.07.30 Australia Issue The Sydney Morning Herald 1. Hillary Clinton 20000+ Search After DNC Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 6 points The Sydney Morning Herald New York: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton held a 6- percentage-point lead over Republican rival Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll with new wording that was released on Friday, the day after she formally accepted her ... Elle..