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Stranger Things

2016.07.17 U K Issue The Guardian 1. Turkey 1000000+ Search World leaders express support for Turkey after attempted coup The Guardian World leaders expressed support for Turkey and its democratic institutions on Saturday after the government quashed an attempted military coup. The Italian foreign minister, Paolo Gentiloni, said Turkish authorities must do their utmost to ensure ... Yorkshire Evening Post 2. Sky New..
2016.07.17 Denmark Issue The Guardian 1. Erdogan 20000+ Search Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been staged by Erdoğan regime The Guardian Fethullah Gülen, the reclusive cleric blamed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the failed coup in Turkey, has said the uprising by members of the countrys military could have been “staged” by the government. Huffington Post 2. CNN 10000+ Search CNN Turk Kept Broadcasting As ..
2016.07.17 Argentina Issue Clarín.com 1. Turquia 100000+ Search Turquía: Cuestiones sobre un regalo inesperado Clarín.com Si la intención de los militares que se sublevaron en Turquía era modificar el orden institucional, lo que acabaron haciendo fue, en cambio, una enorme contribución a la perpetuación y potenciación del liderazgo del controvertido Recep Tayyip Erdogan. LA NACION (Argentina) 2. Independiente del Valle 50..
2016.07.15 U S Issue USA TODAY 1. Turkey 2000000+ Search Turkeys Erdogan pulls through crisis but faces more tests USA TODAY But the coups aftermath, which has already involved a purge of the ranks of Turkeys military and judiciary and a possible spat with the United States, Turkeys NATO ally, is likely to leave the country less unified and weaker economically and ... Entertainment Weekly 2. Stranger Things 200000+ ..
2016.07.15 Mexico Issue Perú.com 1. Vaporeon 100000+ Search Pokémon GO: Vaporeon desata caos en el Central Park | FOTOS | VIDEO Perú.com ¡Mira un Vaporeon ! La fiebre de Pokémon GO va en aumento. En la última actualización, la empresa Niantic y Nintendo confirmaron que el juego ha sido liberado en 26 nuevos países, entre ellos: Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Croacia, Chipre, República ... CNNEspañol.com 2. Turquia 100000+..
2016.07.15 Canada Issue CBC.ca 1. Turkey 500000+ Search Canadian government urges calm in Turkey, advises Canadians there to stay indoors CBC.ca The Canadian government urged calm in Turkey amid a failed coup attempt Friday and advised Canadians not to travel to the country. On Saturday, when it became clear the coup was unsuccessful, Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion said he commended... CBC.ca 2. Taliyah Marsman..
2016.07.15 Brazil Issue Globo.com 1. Turquia 200000+ Search EUA pedem que Turquia apresente provas de que Gulen organizou ... Globo.com O secretário de Estado americano, John Kerry, pediu neste sábado (16) que a Turquia apresente provas de que o clérigo Fetullah Gullen, residente nos Estados Unidos, seja o responsável pela tentativa de golpe de Estado na noite da última sexta-feira (15). Globo.com 2. Katy Perry 50000+ ..