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Stranger Things

2016.07.18 South Africa Issue Metro 1. Rowan Atkinson 10000+ Search Rowan Atkinson is definitely not dead thanks very much, internet Metro Rowan Atkinson has been erroneously reported as dead following the leaking of a news story about his suicide. Mr Beans alter-ego was meant to have taken his own life after battling severe depression, according to a post by clickjacking site ... Daily Mail 2. Pokemon Go Server Status 5000+..
2016.07.18 Portugal Issue Jornal de Notícias 1. Hoquei Em Patins 20000+ Search Portugal é campeão da Europa de hóquei em patins Observador Portugal é campeão europeu de hóquei em patins, depois de ter vencido a Itália este sábado por 6-2 e de ter estado a perder durante metade da partida, no pavilhão de Oliveira de Azeméis, no mesmo campo onde a seleção tinha conquistado o título... Mais Futebol 2. Benfica Derby County 1..
2016.07.18 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. NZZ 5000+ Search Erster Linienflug der Swiss C-Series: Eine (fast) geglückte Premiere Neue Zürcher Zeitung Schuld daran hauptsächlich ein technischer Defekt. Wie einer der Piloten im Gespräch mit der NZZ an Bord erzählte, hätte das Problem im Zusammenhang mit der Stromzufuhr gestanden. Die Piloten erhielten eine elektronische Warnung der tiefsten Priorität. Eurosport.fr 2..
2016.07.18 Hungary Issue 24.hu 1. Törökország Puccs 20000+ Search Elbukott a katonai puccs Törökországban 24.hu Éjjel a török hadsereg megpróbálta megdönteni Recep Tayyip Erdogan elnök és a kormány hatalmát. Az állami tévé és a kormánypárt székházát is elfoglalták. Állításuk szerint azért cselekedtek, hogy visszaállítsák az alkotmányos rendet, a demokráciát,... 444.hu 2. Paja G 10000+ Search Meghalt Paja G 444.hu Paja G..
2016.07.17 Spain Issue 1. atentado en Niza 2000000+ Search 2. Turquia 500000+ Search 3. El Pais 200000+ Search 4. Noticias 100000+ Search 5. Noticias Ultima Hora 100000+ Search 6. Niza Mapa 50000+ Search 7. Ultimas Noticias 50000+ Search 8. Ultimas Noticias Atentado En Niza 50000+ Search 9. Torre Eiffel 50000+ Search 10. NICE 50000+ Search 11. Virgen del Carmen 20000+ Search 12. Deja que te bese 20000+ Search 13. CNN ..
2016.07.17 Austria Issue DiePresse.com 1. Nizza 200000+ Search Terror am Nationalfeiertag: Lastwagen rast in Menschenmenge - mindestens 84 ... DiePresse.com Juli, in Nizza. Zehntausende Einheimische und Touristen bevölkerten wie jedes Jahr die kilometerlange Uferstraße Promenade des Anglais und bewunderten das Feuerwerk, als das Unvorstellbare geschah: Gegen 23 Uhr taucht aus einer Seitenstraße ein... derStandard.at 2. ..
2016.07.17 Australia Issue ABC Online 1. Nice 500000+ Search What we know about Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ABC Online The man who drove a truck into a crowd of people in the French resort town of Nice, killing more than 80 people as he swerved to hit as many people as possible, suffered from depression but was in no way motivated by religion, according to his father. BBC News 2. Bbc News 20000+ Search Why jihadists stalk t..
2016.07.17 Finland Issue CNN 1. Nice 20000+ Search In Nice attack, young lives threatened and destroyed CNN (CNN) In the hours following Thursday nights attack in Nice, while the wounded were tended to and the dead shrouded in the streets, survivors and rescuers were confronted with silent reminders of the evenings losses: A baby doll next to a small body... Blog Notizie (Blog) 2. Nizza 20000+ Search Strage di Nizza, la..