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2016.07.14 Czech Issue Lidovky.cz 1. Colours of Ostrava 5000+ Search Začíná festival Colours of Ostrava. Představí se Underworld ... Lidovky.cz OSTRAVA Ve čtvrtek se otevírají se brány jednoho z nejsledovanějších českých hudebních festivalů Colours of Ostrava. Ve čtyřech dnech slibuje na 350programových bodů na dvaceti scénách. Svět Androida 2. Jak Nainstalovat Pokemon Go 2000+ Search Jak stáhnout Pokémon Go a nainsta..
2016.07.14 Russia Issue Meduza 1. Pokemon GO 100000+ Search Вокруг шум: Pokemon GO. Хроника мирового безумия. Вторая неделя Meduza В среду, 13 июля, игра Pokemon GO запустилась в Германии. Официально это первый релиз суперпопулярного приложения Nintendo в Европе, однако в действительности в Pokemon GO уже давно играют по всему миру. За неделю приложение загрузили миллионы пользователей,... Росбалт.RU 2. Шакро Молодой 2..
2016.07.14 Norway Issue TV 2 1. Hvordan Få Pokemon Go 2000+ Search Slik får du spilt Pokémon Go i Norge TV 2 Det gjør du ved å trykke på Innstillinger, og deretter Sikkerhet. Under Enhetsadministrasjon huker du av for Tillat installasjon av apper fra ukjente kilder. Gå inn på Pokémon Go APK-siden. Der trykker du på Download APK og OK når du får advarsel om at... 2. Mjøsa 2000+ Search To skadd i båtulykke på Mjøsa NRK T..
2016.07.14 Nigeria Issue The Whistler 1. Hadiza Bala Usman 2000+ Search Hadiza Bala-Usman, a square peg in a round hole The Nation Newspaper Not long after came the formal announcement of her appointment which effectively confirmed what Thisday newspaper alleged. I have never met Hadiza in person, but I have read about her since her days at the BPE as an aide to Nasir el-Rufai when he held...
2016.07.14 Switzerland Issue Computerworld 1. Pokemon Go Schweiz 20000+ Search Pokémon Go - so funktionierts in der Schweiz Computerworld Letzte Woche wurde die von vielen sehnsüchtig erwartete App Pokemon Go veröffentlicht. Millionen jagen mit ihren Smartphones bereits die vielen Pokemons. Doch leider ist die App in der Schweiz noch nicht freigeschaltet. Doch es gibt Anleitungen, wie... SPIEGEL ONLINE 2. Ana Ivanovic 10000..
2016.07.14 Italy Issue Gazzetta di Parma 1. Incidente ferroviario 1000000+ Search Incidente ferroviario in Puglia: ci sono indagati Gazzetta di Parma Franco Introna, responsabile del dipartimento di Medicina Legale del policlinico di Bari, hanno fornito il bilancio ufficiale di vittime e feriti dellincidente ferroviario avvenuto ieri in Puglia. Sono 23 le vittime del disastro e 52 i feriti portati ... Centro Meteo Ita..
2016.07.14 Kenya Issue The Verge 1. Pokemon Go 2000+ Search Pokémon Gos latest update breaks the game for some iOS users The Verge The first major update to Pokémon Go has broken the app, a number of iOS users are claiming, with many unable to log in to the wildly popular monster-hunting game. As reported on Reddit, the 1.01 update to the iOS version of Pokémon Go bars users who... The Guardian 2. Theresa May 2000+ Se..
2016.07.14 Finland Issue Mirror.co.uk 1. Paul Gascoigne 2000+ Search Paul Gascoigne receives messages of support from fans after worrying new ... Mirror.co.uk Paul Gascoigne received has widespread messages of support from football fans following the emergence of worrying new photos of the former England star. Distasteful pictures surfaced on Tuesday of the troubled Three Lions legend emerging from a taxi at... 2. Perch..