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2016.07.14 Belgium Issue lalibre.be 1. Niall Horan 5000+ Search La nouvelle conquête de Niall Horan (One Direction) est une... Belge (PHOTOS) lalibre.be People Niall Horan, le chanteur des One Direction, nest plus célibataire. Le jeune homme était en effet accompagné ce week-end lors du concert de Mumford Sons au Bristish Summertime Festival. Pour la petite histoire, lheureuse élue est une de nos... Het Laatste Nieuws 2..
2016.07.14 Greece Issue Dikaiologitika 1. ΟΠΣΥΔ 5000+ Search Νέες οδηγίες του ΟΠΣΥΔ για τις αιτήσεις αναπληρωτών Dikaiologitika Οι υποψήφιοι αναπληρωτές εκπ/κοι οφείλουν να ελέγξουν προσεκτικά τον ηλεκτρονικό φάκελό τους στο ΟΠΣΥΔ και να συμπληρώσουν όλα τα υποχρεωτικά πεδία αυτού. Σε αντίθετη περίπτωση, καθίσταται σαφές ότι δεν είναι μηχανογραφικά εφικτή η καταχώριση... NewsBomb 2. Σεισμοσ 5000+ Search Νέος σεισμός κο..
2016.07.14 Germany Issue FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 1. Pokemon 100000+ Search Beliebtes Handyspiel: Wie pfiffige Geschäftsleute den Pokémon-Hype nutzen ... FAZ - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Trotzdem verdient sich Nintendo mit dem Spiel natürlich eine goldene Nase: Das Analysehaus App Annie schätzt angesichts der großen Nachfrage in den App-Stores, dass der Umsatz mit Pokémon pro Jahr bei gut einer Milliarde..
2016.07.14 Austria Issue GMX.AT 1. Ana Ivanovic 20000+ Search Bastian Schweinsteiger heiratet Ana Ivanovic: Traumhochzeit in Venedig GMX.AT Bild zu Bastian Schweinsteiger, Ana Ivanovic, Hochzeit. Profifußballer Bastian Schweinsteiger und die Tennisspielerin Ana Ivanovic haben am Mittwochabend in Venedig kirchlich geheiratet. Es war der Höhepunkt der romantischen Feierlichkeiten in der... STERN 2. Pokemon Go Tipps 5000+ ..
2016.07.14 Rumania Issue Gândul 1. REZULTATE BAC 2016 1000000+ Search REZULTATE BACALAUREAT 2016, PE EDU.RO. Harta rezultatelor ... Gândul REZULTATE BACALAUREAT 2016, pe Edu.ro. Rezultatele de la examenul de Bacalaureat 2016 au fost publicate, la avizierele liceelor şi pe site-ul bacalaureat.edu.ro. Potrivit rezultatelor înainte de contestaţii, rata de promovare la prima sesiune de BAC a... RomaniaTV.net 2. Rezultate Ba..
2016.07.14 Australia Issue The Sydney Morning Herald 1. State of Origin 2016 100000+ Search State of Origin 2016: How NSW Blues can convert this win into future dominance The Sydney Morning Herald There are a couple of things that stand out for me about this 2016 Origin series. Firstly, NSW couldve easily lifted the winners shield. Having clinched victory in Origin III, we now look back on so many moments in the first two..
2016.07.14 Portugal Issue Diário de Notícias - Lisboa 1. Exames Nacionais 2016 20000+ Search Exames: Médias caem e número de chumbos sobe a Português e ... Diário de Notícias - Lisboa As médias das notas nos exames nacionais de Português a Matemática desceram ligeiramente este ano, segundo os dados da 1.ª fase revelados esta quarta-feira pelo Ministério da Educação. Na prova de Português a média desceu de 11 para 10,8 e ..
2016.07.14 South Africa Issue Times LIVE 1. Ayanda Mabulu 20000+ Search WATCH: I hate Zuma - says Ayanda Mabulu whos ready to moer Zuma defenders Times LIVE Last year‚ Zumas son Edward denounced Mabulu for portraying the president being fellated in a painting called Pornography of Power. “My message to Ayanda Mabulu is that President J.G Zuma is a parent and one is prepared to even defend him physically... BBC News 2. Evan M..