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2016.07.10 Czech Issue Blesk.cz 1. Adam Holy 5000+ Search Zemřel fotograf Adam Holý Český rozhlas Česká fotografická scéna přišla o jednoho z důležitých představitelů. V minulých hodinách se totiž objevila informace o náhlém úmrtí fotografa Adama Holého. Umělec zastupovaný galerií Polansky v minulých letech vydal třeba knihu Overview Effect, která... MediaGuru 2. Jack Reacher 2000+ Search Sobota pro filmy Jack Reacher..
2016.07.10 Russia Issue Православие.Ru 1. День семьи любви и верности 100000+ Search В России в девятый раз отметят День семьи, любви и верности Православие.Ru День семьи, любви и верности празднуют в России с 2008 года, он призван привлечь внимание к семье как хранительнице духовно-нравственных ценностей. Праздник приурочен ко дню памяти живших в XIII веке святых Петра и Февронии. Согласно житию, они скончались в один..
2016.07.10 Norway Issue Asker og Bærums Budstikke 1. Amalie Iuel 5000+ Search Amalie Iuel (22) klar for OL Asker og Bærums Budstikke Det er mye bedre enn å ta kravet på et eller annet stevne i USA, sier Iuel til NRK. Før EM i Amsterdam fortalte Amalie Iuel at hun bare hadde ett mål i EM i friidrett. Det var å klare OL-kravet. – Jeg har drømt om OL siden jeg var liten. Da jeg fant ut ... Haugesunds Avis 2. Haugesunds Av..
2016.07.10 Nigeria Issue The Sydney Morning Herald 1. Dallas shooting 5000+ Search Dallas shooting: Who was Micah Xavier Johnson? The Sydney Morning Herald Dallas, Texas: They called him X – as in his middle initial. Some thought him cool – not a violent or rough dude, in the judgment of Israel Cooper, a mate whod known him for a couple of years. When Micah Xavier Johnson was four years old, his... CNN 2. Serena William..
2016.07.10 Italy Issue ANSA.it 1. Bielsa 50000+ Search Lazio replica a Bielsa, nessuna clausola mercato ANSA.it Tra la Lazio e Bielsa è ormai guerra aperta. Intanto il club biancoceleste farà causa allargentino per danno dimmagine e nel giorno del ritorno di Simone Inzaghi alla guida tecnica, il board laziale al gran completo prova a smontare le accuse di del ... Il Fatto Quotidiano 2. Lino Banfi 50000+ Search Lino Ba..
2016.07.10 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. Federer 20000+ Search Wimbledon-Halbfinal: Federer verliert und sorgt sich Neue Zürcher Zeitung Es war ein Bild, das fraglos um die Welt gehen wird: Roger Federer am Boden. Der Mann, der Wimbledon vielleicht stärker geprägt hat als jeder andere Spieler vor ihm, lag ausgestreckt auf dem Bauch und regte sich sekundenlang nicht mehr. Federer hat... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Da..
2016.07.10 Kenya Issue BBC News 1. France 5000+ Search Euro 2016: Ronaldo will relish taking on all of France - Rio Ferdinand BBC News Cristiano Ronaldo will relish taking on the whole of France in Sundays Euro 2016 final, according to his former Manchester United team-mate Rio Ferdinand. The 31-year-old Portugal captain has the chance to win the first international title of his ... BBC News 2. Dallas shooting 2000+ S..
2016.07.10 Finland Issue Lexington Herald Leader 1. Summer Up 10000+ Search NBA Summer League: Booker, Ulis team up for win Lexington Herald Leader Devin Booker scored a game-high 28 points as the Phoenix Suns defeated the Portland Trail Blazers 86-73 in the Las Vegas Summer League opener for both teams Saturday. The 13th overall pick in the 2015 draft out of Kentucky, Booker was 11-for-21 from... CNN 2. Dallas shooting..