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2016.07.10 Belgium Issue De Morgen 1. Tw Classic 2016 10000+ Search Lana Del Rey op TW Classic: waarom zo afstandelijk? De Morgen 31 is ze, Elizabeth Woolridge Grant, en veruit de jongste frontvrouw op dit TW Classic. Zelfs de dochter van Lionel Richie is ouder. Lana Del Rey was de vreemde eend in de bijt, tussen een roedel soul-, funk- en rockzangers die al decennia meegaan. Het Laatste Nieuws 2. Dallas 5000+ Search Po..
2016.07.10 Greece Issue News247.gr 1. Νικητησ X Factor 50000+ Search X Factor: Ο μεγάλος νικητής, ο καυτός χορός της Αραβανή και η ... News247.gr Ο Ανδρέας Λέοντας από την ομάδα του Γιώργου Θεοφάνους ήταν ο μεγάλος νικητής του Χ Factor, ο οποίος κονταροχτυπήθηκε με τον Ίαν Στρατή, συμμετέχοντας επίσης από την ομάδα του Γιώργου Θεοφάνους. Την τρίτη θέση κατέλαβαν οι Stereo Soul από την... Zougla 2. WIND 20000+ Search SI..
2016.07.10 Germany Issue ZEIT ONLINE 1. Dallas 20000+ Search Dallas: Wir bluten alle die gleiche Farbe ZEIT ONLINE Bei einer friedlichen Demonstration in der Innenstadt von Dallas, die an die beiden durch Polizeigewalt umgekommenen Afroamerikaner Alton Sterling und Philando Castile erinnern sollte, tötete der mutmaßliche Täter Micah J. am Donnerstagabend fünf... SPIEGEL ONLINE 2. Angelique Kerber 20000+ Search Wimbledon..
2016.07.10 Austria Issue Kurier 1. Em Finale 2016 5000+ Search Showdown der Superstars im EM-Finale Kurier Er stand an diesem Tag in Lissabon im Finale der EM. Mit 19 Jahren. Und es sollte einer der bittersten Momente seiner so erfolgreichen Karriere werden. Portugal verlor das Endspiel bei der Heim-EM gegen das Überraschungsteam aus Griechenland. ZEIT ONLINE 2. Dallas 2000+ Search Dallas: Wir bluten alle die gleiche Fa..
2016.07.10 Rumania Issue Gândul 1. SUBIECTE BAC 2016 20000+ Search Barem Bacalaureat 2016 Biologie. Gândul publică baremul pentru ... Gândul Barem Bacalaureat 2016 BIOLOGIE. Ministerul Educaţiei Naţionale publică în jurul orei 15.00, variantele de subiecte şi baremul de evaluare pentru toate probele din cadrul Bacalaureatului 2016. Elevii de clasa a XII-a au suţinut vineri, 8 iulie, ultima ... DigiSport 2. Serena Willia..
2016.07.10 Australia Issue BBC News 1. Dallas shooting 100000+ Search Dallas shooting: Police give all clear after security scare BBC News Dallas police have given the all clear, hours after security levels were raised at their headquarters in the city. They said they had received an anonymous threat, two days after the killing of five police officers. A nearby parking lot was searched ... NEWS.com.au 2. Tom Hiddleston 50..
2016.07.10 South Africa Issue BBC News 1. Dallas shooting 20000+ Search Dallas shooting: Police give all clear after security scare BBC News Dallas police have given the all clear, hours after security levels were raised at their headquarters in the city. They said they had received an anonymous threat, two days after the killing of five police officers. A nearby parking lot was searched ... Herald Sun 2. Roger Federer 20000..
2016.07.10 Portugal Issue Diário de Notícias - Lisboa 1. Goldman Sachs 10000+ Search Durão na Goldman Sachs demonstra a União Europeia de hoje Diário de Notícias - Lisboa O secretário-geral do PCP, Jerónimo de Sousa, afirmou hoje que a nomeação de Durão Barroso para o Goldman Sachs é mais um exemplo da União Europeia dos dias de hoje, referindo que demonstra que o objetivo tem sido servir o grande capital. Diário de Notí..