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serena williams

2016.07.11 Colombia Issue El Comercio 1. Cristiano Ronaldo 200000+ Search Cristiano Ronaldo hizo vibrar a Portugal con su famoso grito | El ... El Comercio Cuando los integrantes de la selección de Portugal llegaron al punto de reunión, Cristiano Ronaldo tomó el micrófono para agradecer a los que confiaron en el equipo a lo largo de la Eurocopa 2016 y cerró su discurso con la exclamación que se hizo viral... El Pais - Ca..
2016.07.11 U S Issue Kotaku 1. UFC 200 2000000+ Search Despite Last-Second Drama, UFC 200 Was Everything It Needed To Be Kotaku For a little while, UFC 200 seemed cursed. The “best card ever” lost its original main event to a squabble between Conor McGregor and the UFC. Then, two days before the big show, Jon Jones got busted for a doping violation, scrapping yet another main... Wall Street Journal 2. Serena William..
2016.07.11 Chile Issue Publimetro Chile 1. Francia vs Portugal 200000+ Search Eurocopa En vivo: Francia vs Portugal final Publimetro Chile Francia y Portugal se enfrentan en el Stade de France en una final de la Eurocopa que si bien alumbrará a un campeón muy distinto a España, tiene todos los ingredientes de un gran partido por el título: una estrella mundial en cada bando, cuentas... Cooperativa.cl 2. UFC 200 10000+..
2016.07.11 Canada Issue Fox Sports 1. Brock Lesnar 200000+ Search UFC 200 Report Card: How Brock Lesnar spared UFCs blushes Fox Sports After five years away from the Octagon Brock Lesnar returned against knockout artist Mark Hunt and won in convincing fashion. There has long been a belief amongst MMA experts that Lesnar cant take a punch but you only needed to look at the left side ... Kotaku 2. UFC 200 200000+ Search ..
2016.07.11 Brazil Issue ESPN.com.br 1. UFC 200 500000+ Search UFC 200 faz R$ 35 mi com ingressos e quebra recordes de público ... ESPN.com.br A T-Mobile Arena estreou com o pé direito como casa do UFC. Ao menos em termos de faturamento. O histórico evento de número 200 quebrou os recordes de público e bilheteria da cidade de Las Vegas. MMA Space 2. Ufc 200 Ao Vivo 200000+ Search UFC 200 em tempo real ao vivo com Anders..
2016.07.09 Germany Issue SPIEGEL ONLINE 1. Nettie Stevens 2000000+ Search Nettie Stevens: Was Mann und Frau genetisch unterscheidet SPIEGEL ONLINE Ihr zu Ehren erinnert Google heute mit einem sogenannten Google-Doodle an Nettie Stevens: Die US-Amerikanerin aus Cavendish, Vermont, fand heraus, dass der Unterschied zwischen Mann und Frau auf X- und Y-Chromosomen zurückzuführen ist. SPIEGEL ONLINE 2. Deutschland Frankreich..
2016.07.09 South Africa Issue Daily Mail 1. Germany vs France 50000+ Search Nicola Rizzoli was right to hand France penalty vs Germany in Euro 2016 semi-final Daily Mail Nicola Rizzoli is an excellent referee but when he pointed to the penalty spot right on half time, there appeared to be some confusion over what had happened. In the BBC studio there was disagreement between Alan Shearer and Rio Ferdinand over whether... Sky..
2016.07.09 Norway Issue Bergensavisen 1. Griezmann 20000+ Search Frankrike til finalen etter Griezmann-show NRK Nå kan vi begynne å drømme, sier Griezmann. – Dette er en laginnsats. Selv spillerne som ikke har spilt ett eneste minutt skal ha mye av æren for at vi er i finalen. De har trent som gærninger på treningsfeltet og gitt alt. Støtteapparatet og ... VG 2. Tyskland Frankrike 5000+ Search Tyskland og Frankrike vet..