Tim Kaine (19) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.25 Denmark Issue Montana Standard 1. Montana 2000+ Search Montana salmonella cases linked to backyard poultry Montana Standard BILLINGS – A new federal report says that 14 salmonella cases in Montana in 2016 have been linked to backyard poultry flocks. The report, issued July 19 by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, says that the cases are part of eight ... WCCFtech 2. Pokemon GO Server Status .. 2016.07.24 Netherlands Issue NOS 1. MUNCHEN 100000+ Search Wie waren de slachtoffers van het bloedbad in München? NOS De Iraanse Duitser die gisteren in de Duitse stad München wild om zich heen schoot, leek het vooral gemunt te hebben op jonge mensen. Van de negen dodelijke slachtoffers, waren de meeste nog maar tieners. Drie jonge Albanese Kosovaren die in... Metronieuws.nl 2. Aanslag Munchen 20000+ Search Familie verliest.. 2016.07.20 U S Issue SlashGear 1. Pokevision 500000+ Search Pokevision makes Pokemon Go hunting a snap SlashGear The creators of Pokevision note that the Pokemon Go servers and its own servers are unstable due to the load on them. When Pokemon do appear, they are in real time and can be found at the exact spot marked on the map along with a timer showing how... Washington Post 2. Southwest Airlines 200000+ Search So.. 이전 1 2 3 다음