Oscar Pistorius (30) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.06 South Africa Issue Independent Online 1. Oscar Pistorius 100000+ Search Masipa gives #OscarPistorius 6 years for murder Independent Online Pretoria - Oscar Pistorius has been sentenced to six years in prison for the murder of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, a sentencing more than two years in the making. And while Pistorius was labelled as unremorseful by the State throughout his trial ... Times LIVE 2. Messi 100.. 2016.07.06 Portugal Issue Jornal de Notícias 1. Messi 10000+ Search Messi condenado a 21 meses de prisão por fraude fiscal Jornal de Notícias O futebolista argentino Lionel Messi e o pai, Jorge Horacio, foram condenados, esta quarta-feira, a 21 meses de prisão. No total, vão pagar 3,7 milhões de euros em multas. O Tribunal de Barcelona condenou Lionel Messi e o pai, Jorge Horacio Messi, a 21... Olhar Digital 2. Pokemon G.. 2016.07.06 Switzerland Issue BLICK.CH 1. Messi 5000+ Search Wegen Steuerhinterziehung: 21 Monate Knast auf Bewährung für Messi! BLICK.CH Messi wurde neben der Bewährungsstrafe auch zu einer Geldbusse von rund zwei Millionen Euro verurteilt. Sein Vater zu 1,5 Millionen Euro. Über Scheinfirmen in Belize und Uruguay sollen die Messis zwischen 2007 und 2009 Steuern in Höhe von 4,16... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Pokemon Go 5000+ Se.. 2016.07.06 U K Issue The Guardian 1. Messi 200000+ Search Lionel Messi handed 21-month tax fraud sentence but is unlikely to serve time The Guardian But because the courts sentence was less than two years and neither Messi has a criminal record, neither will be sent to prison. Prosecutors had alleged that tax havens in Belize and Uruguay were used to conceal earnings from image rights. But Messi ... The Guardian 2. .. 2016.07.06 Sweden Issue Expressen 1. Messi 10000+ Search Så driver världen med Messi efter domen Expressen Argentinaren och hans pappa, Jorge Messi, som har hand om fotbollsstjärnans ekonomi, anklagas för att låtit bli att betala skatt till den spanska staten för 35 miljoner kronor mellan 2007-2009. Nu har straffet kommit. Det blir 21 månaders villkorligt... Göteborgs-Posten 2. Bertil Hult 5000+ Search Sommar i P1: Ber.. 2016.07.06 Poland Issue IGN Polska 1. Pokemon GO 10000+ Search Pokemon GO jest już dostępne w niektórych krajach (news ... IGN Polska Podczas tegorocznych targów E3 poznaliśmy przybliżoną datę premiery Pokemon GO. Tymczasem aplikacja pozwalająca łapać kieszonkowe stworki trafiła już do sklepu Google Play i iTunes w Australii i Nowej Zelandii. Jak wynika z opisów zamieszczonych... Gazeta Wyborcza 2. Taco Hemingway 5000+.. 이전 1 2 3 4 다음