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Bill Cunningham

2016.06.26 Greece Issue Newsit 1. Θυμαμαι Παντελιδησ 20000+ Search Παντελής Παντελίδης - “Θυμάμαι”: Αυτό είναι το τελευταίο του ... Newsit Το τελευταίο τραγούδι του Παντελή Παντελίδη με τίτλο Θυμάμαι ανέβηκε σήμερα στο επίσημο κανάλι του τραγουδιστή στο Youtube αλλά και στην επίσημη σελίδα του στο Facebook, που πλέον διαχειρίζεται ο αδελφός του, Τριαντάφυλλος. Μάλιστα ο αδελφός... News247.gr 2. Εκλογεσ Ισπανια 10000+ S..
2016.06.26 Australia Issue Idolator (blog) 1. The Veronicas 20000+ Search The Veronicas are seeing red in new In My Blood music video Entertainment Weekly The Veronicas are making the most of their short guest-judging stint on The Voice Australia, where they just debuted a crimson-hued music video for their new single, “In My Blood.” Produced by the Australian duo DNA (Ricky Martin, Delta Goodrem), “In ... The Advertiser ..
2016.06.26 Portugal Issue RTP 1. Euro2016 10000+ Search Bélgica afasta Hungria com a maior goleada do Euro2016 RTP A Bélgica garantiu hoje um lugar nos quartos de final do Euro2016, ao golear por 4-0 a Hungria, Seleção que venceu o Grupo F, no qual Portugal foi terceiro classificado. Os belgas marcaram cedo, aos 10 minutos, pelo defesa central Alderweireld, criaram... Renascença (liberação de imprensa) 2. França Irlanda ..
2016.06.26 Italy Issue Sport Mediaset 1. Germania Slovacchia 100000+ Search Euro 2016: troppa Germania, Slovacchia demolita Sport Mediaset La Germania passeggia negli ottavi di finale di Euro 2016: netto il 3-0 inflitto alla Slovacchia in un match a senso unico. Troppo forte la squadra di Loew per Hamsik e compagni. A Lille i tedeschi passano dopo appena 8 minuti, Boateng inventa un gran ... Sport Mediaset 2. Belgio U..
2016.06.26 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. Griezmann 20000+ Search EM-Achtelfinal: Frankreich - Irland 2:1: Griezmann in Torlaune - Latten-Schuss ... Neue Zürcher Zeitung Nach langem Rückstand schafft es Frankreich in der zweiten Halbzeit die Partie zu wenden: Griezmann ist in Torlaune und trifft gleich zweimal. Irland spielt nach einer Roten Karte gegen Duffy nur noch zu zehnt. Verfolgen Sie den Achtelfinal via L..
2016.06.26 U K Issue Mirror.co.uk 1. Viola Beach 200000+ Search Viola Beach headline Glastonbury as Coldplay pay tribute to tragic late band ... Mirror.co.uk Coldplays Chris Martin paid an emotional tribute to tragic band Viola Beach by letting them headline Glastonbury. The group - who died in a car accident in Sweden earlier this year - were honoured during Coldplays set as fans were given a glimpse ... LabourList..
2016.06.26 Denmark Issue Evening Standard 1. Mario Gomez 5000+ Search Mario Gomez: Another goal in win over Slovakia Rotowire Mario Gomez: Another goal in win over Slovakia. Posted on June 26, 2016 at 12:28 PM. NEWS UPDATE. Gomez scored for the second straight game in Sundays 3-0 win over Slovakia. Gomez was effective as the striker up front for Germany as he also drew a... FOXSports.com 2. Griezmann 5000+ Search Antoin..
2016.06.26 Hungary Issue NOL.hu 1. Magyarország Belgium 50000+ Search Magyarország–Belgium 0-4, de Budapesten zúg a „Szép volt, fiúk!” NOL.hu Az Európa-bajnokság toulouse-i nyolcaddöntőjében a 10. percben szerzett fejesgóllal vezetett a világranglista második helyezettje. Bár a második félidő elején több helyzetünk is volt, a belgák két gyors góllal foszlatták szét a reményeinket ... csakfoci.hu 2. Magyar Belga Meccs 20..