World ISSUE (1691) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.16 Czech Issue 1. Pavlína Nytrová 2000+ Search Nytrová: K homosexuálům jsem tolerantní. Pokud potřebují, pomůžu ... Po schůzce s premiérem kvůli homofobním výrokům ve Sněmovně poslankyně Pavlína Nytrová ihned vyrazila s kufrem na vlak směr Ostrava. S novináři se nejprve bavit nechtěla, protože by „jí to prý ujelo”. Během cesty na zastávku tramvaje ve spěchu... 2. Colours Of Ostra.. 2016.07.16 Russia Issue Московский комсомолец 1. Теракт в Ницце 200000+ Search Теракт в Ницце, более 80 погибших: онлайн-трансляция Московский комсомолец Страшный теракт произошел на одной из центральных улиц Ниццы вечером 14 июля. Горожане массово отмечали День взятия Бастилии, когда террорист на грузовике протаранил толпу, а затем открыл огонь по людям из автоматического оружия. Среди погибших и пострадавших есть... .. 2016.07.16 Norway Issue P4 Radio Hele Norge ASA 1. Burkini 5000+ Search Rektor: – Burkini har alltid vært tillatt på Finnsnes barneskole NRK Burkini er og har alltid vært tillatt på flere skoler i Lenvik. Jeg som rektor har vært uthengt for en felles praksis som gjelder også på andre skoler, sier rektor ved Finnsnes barneskole Espen Hay. Nordlys meldte torsdag at del heldekkende ... Haugesunds Avis 2. Haugesunds Avis 2.. 2016.07.16 Italy Issue Corriere della Sera 1. Nizza 2000000+ Search I passeggini accartocciatiLe vite rubateai bambini Corriere della Sera Per strada sulla Promenade des Anglais sono rimasti i giochi e le magliette lacere abbandonate. A Parigi, a Bruxelles o in Tunisia i più piccoli erano stati risparmiati. A Nizza invece ne sono morti 10. Altri 54 sono stati ricoverati, 15 in gravi ... La Gazzetta dello Sport 2. Higu.. 2016.07.16 Nigeria Issue New York Times 1. Theresa May 5000+ Search Theresa Mays British Cabinet Has New Faces but Old Divides New York Times LONDON — Firing adversaries and promoting allies, Prime Minister Theresa May was finalizing a cabinet on Thursday intended to carry through Britains withdrawal from the European Union while underscoring her desire to pursue more centrist policies at... 2016.07.16 Switzerland Issue Le Temps 1. Nice 50000+ Search Attentat de Nice: après lhorreur, lheure des questions qui font mal à ... Le Temps Il était trop tôt, vendredi matin, pour lier la tragédie survenue à Nice à la nébuleuse extrémiste islamiste basée en Syrie et en Irak. Laquelle na pas (encore) revendiqué cette attaque au camion. Le ton de la prise de parole de François Hollande à ... Der Bund 2. Tour de France 1000.. 2016.07.16 Kenya Issue K24 TV 1. Kapenguria attack 10000+ Search Slain GSU officer in Kapenguria attack was newly wed, family says K24 TV The General Service Unit (GSU) elite commando officer killed in the Kapenguria Police Station attack got married a month ago, it has emerged. Dennis Momanyi, 26, was said to have visited his home to marry his bride Edna Morangi, only last month and was... TUKO.CO.KE 2. Kapenguria po.. 2016.07.16 U K Issue BBC News 1. Nice 2000000+ Search Cookies on the BBC website BBC News Image caption The Nice truck attack in France dominates the front pages, with the Times saying that 52 people were critically ill after a Tunisian delivery driver with a history of wife-beating and road rage drove a lorry into crowds celebrating ... BBC Sport 2. The Open 2016 200000+ Search The Open 2016: Rory McIlroy needs fas.. 이전 1 ··· 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ··· 212 다음