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2016.08.06 Czech Issue Sport.cz 1. Zahájení Olympijských Her 2016 5000+ Search Slavnostní zahájení olympijských her v Riu začalo! Na Maracaná ... Sport.cz Na stadión Maracaná při slavnostním zahájení olympijských her v Riu de Janeiro přišli první sportovci. Defilé výprav tradičně zahájili Řekové jako vyslanci země, kde začala olympijská tradice. Jejich vlajkonoškou byla jachtařka Sofia Bekatoruová. AHAonline 2. Orland..
2016.08.06 Russia Issue Meduza 1. Отряд самоубийц 200000+ Search «Отряд самоубийц»: так ли все плохо?. В прокат вышел фильм DC Comics о суперзлодеях. Рецензия Meduza В российский прокат 4 августа вышел фантастический боевик «Отряд самоубийц» режиссера Дэвида Эйра, снятый по одноименному комиксу DC Comics. Новая картина — очередной акт в противостоянии DC Comics и Marvel, которое все больше напоминает войну «Пепси» и «К..
2016.08.06 Norway Issue 1. Ol På Tv 5000+ Search Dette må du få med deg fra Rio-OL i dag Aftenbladet.no STARTER BALLET: Håndballjentene, her representert ved Marit Malm Frafjord, Amanda Kurtovic, Camilla Herrem og Stine Bredal Oftedal på Sukkertoppen i Rio de Janerio, åpner OL-turneringen i håndball. ... På TV: Klokken 14.30 på TV 2 Sportskanalen. VG 2. Orlando Bloom 5000+ Search Nå spres de usensurerte bildene av Orla..
2016.08.06 Nigeria Issue Aljazeera.com 1. Olympics 50000+ Search US teenager grabs first gold at Rio Olympics Aljazeera.com American teenager Virginia Thrasher won the first gold medal of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, holding her nerve against two Chinese Olympic champions to clinch the womens 10m air rifle event. The 19-year-old US college champion, competing in her first... Premium Times 2. Nigeria Vs Japan 10000+ Searc..
2016.08.06 Italy Issue La Stampa 1. Olimpiadi 1000000+ Search 6 agosto - Olimpiadi, prima medaglia per lItalia: Fiamingo dargento ... La Stampa Il giorno dopo la cerimonia di apertura, le Olimpiadi di Rio de Janeiro entrano nel vivo: lItalia cerca il suo oro numero 200 nella storia dei Giochi. Intanto è arrivata la prima medaglia azzurra di questa edizione con Rossella Fiamingo: argento nella ... Corriere della Sera 2..
2016.08.06 Kenya Issue Telegraph.co.uk 1. Barcelona Vs Leicester City 2000+ Search Barcelona 4 Leicester City 2, as it happened: Musa scores twice for the Foxes ... Telegraph.co.uk What a thoroughly enjoyable evening of football. Barca were brilliant in the first half, and Leicester were forced to deal with everything youd imagine they might come up against in the shape of Messi and Suarez. Those two were brilliant, a..
2016.08.06 Switzerland Issue bluewin.ch 1. Orlando Bloom 10000+ Search Wirbel wegen Orlando Blooms Nacktbildern bluewin.ch Beim Paddeln mit Freundin Katy Perry liess Hollywoodstar Orlando Bloom die Hüllen fallen. Nun geben diese Bilder zu reden. Bilder, die Orlando Bloom (39) nackt im Italienurlaub mit Katy Perry (31) zeigen, sind aufgetaucht. Der Schauspieler (Fluch der... Tribune de Genève 2. Meteo Geneve 5000+ Search Qui..
2016.08.06 Finland Issue Daily Beast 1. Orlando Bloom 5000+ Search Thank You, Orlando Bloom, For Showing Us That a Dick Is Just a Dick Daily Beast Close study of the Orlando Bloom penis, or the alleged penis of Orlando Bloom (lest it is ultimately proved that there has been an—ouch—cut and paste job done on the actors manhood), shows a perky, springy thing that seems kind of half standing to... YLE News 2. Yle Rio 5000+..