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2016.08.02 Czech Issue Blesk.cz 1. Radar Počasí 5000+ Search Silné bouřky udeřily. Blesky srší na západě Čech iu Prahy, sledujte ... Blesk.cz Předpověď meteorologů o příchodu velmi silných bouřek do Česka se v neděli naplnila. Podle radarových snímků už před devátou ráno zasáhla bouřka s rojem blesků Domažlicko a Tachovsko, blýskalo se také kolem Prahy. Výstraha platí pro téměř celou... Blesk.cz 2. radar 5000+ Search ..
2016.08.02 Russia Issue Аргументы и факты 1. Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя 50000+ Search Когда в России будут продавать книгу «Гарри Поттер и проклятое дитя»? Аргументы и факты В воскресенье, 31 июля, в 02:00 по московскому времени в книжных магазинах Лондона стартовала продажа очередного творения Джоан Роулинг о приключениях повзрослевшего волшебника Гарри Поттера. Восьмая книга «поттерианы» получила название «Гарри П..
2016.08.02 Norway Issue Aftenposten 1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child 5000+ Search Harry Potter and the Cursed Child skuffer anmeldeleren NRK Den som kjenner Harry Potter-universet, vet at fortellingene om ham tar tid. At teaterdebuten er en fem timer lang forestilling fordelt på to økter, er derfor ikke overraskende. Allerede før premieren er Harry Potter and the Cursed Child en suksess ... Lofotposten 2. Matt Damo..
2016.08.02 Nigeria Issue NAIJ.COM 1. The Voice Nigeria 5000+ Search Who is the winner of The Voice Nigeria? NAIJ.COM A stage actress Agharese Emokpae, known as Arese, has just won the first season of the popular music reality show, The Voice Nigeria. The contest, which began with 47 contestants, came to the eight competitive opponents, who met in the final on Sunday...
2016.08.02 Italy Issue Televisione.it 1. Bastardi senza gloria 50000+ Search Bastardi senza gloria/ Diretta streaming e trailer del film con Brad Pitt Il Sussidiario.net BASTARDI SENZA GLORIA, IL FILM IN ONDA SU ITALIA 1 OGGI, 31 LUGLIO 2016: DIRETTA STREAMING E TRAILER - Su Itali Uno alle ore 21,20 di oggi, domenica 31 luglio 2016 viene mandato in onda il film di genere guerra – drammatico Bastardi senza... GQ.com 2...
2016.08.02 Switzerland Issue Tribune de Genève 1. Fête Nationale Suisse 50000+ Search Et voici les «conseillers en naturalisation» du PS Tribune de Genève A loccasion du 1er août, le Parti socialiste fait campagne pour la naturalisation des personnes au bénéfice dun permis B. «En comparaison européenne, la naturalisation en Suisse est très difficile, elle coûte cher et sapparente à un parcours du ... BLICK.CH 2. 1. August 1..
2016.08.02 Kenya Issue The Independent 1. PSG vs Leicester 1000+ Search PSG vs Leicester match report: Premier League champions thrashed 4-0 by French ... The Independent Leicester were no match for Paris Saint-Germain in their International Champions Cup match at Los Angeles StubHubCenter, losing 4-0. The Premier League winners beat Celtic on penalties last weekend - but it was no surprise that the French champions....
2016.08.02 Finland Issue TIME 1. Harry Potter 5000+ Search 8 Questions We Have After Reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child TIME In the seven original Harry Potter books, the title formula includes a person (“the prisoner of Azkaban”) or thing (“the Deathly Hallows”) that is murky or unknown to Harry at the beginning of the plot and revealed by the end. But by the end of the ... Telegraph.co.uk 2. Melania Trump 5000+..