World ISSUE (1691) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.06.23 Czech Issue 1. Brexit 50000+ Search Brexit: Skotsko chce referendum o nezávislosti, Severní Irsko o sjednocení Zatímco ve Spojeném království jako celku hlasovalo podle výsledků referenda pro brexit 52 procent voličů, ve Skotsku bylo naopak 62 procent lidí proti odchodu Británie z EU. „Chceme učinit všechno pro to, aby výsledek hlasování ve Skotsku měl reálný... 2. Brexit Onli.. 2016.06.23 Russia Issue РИА Новости 1. Brexit 200000+ Search Нас сольют: как в Киеве встретили новость о Brexit РИА Новости О том, что санкции могут быть ослаблены из-за Brexit, предупредил глава украинской делегации в ПАСЕ Владимир Ариев. Санкции против РФ, очень вероятно, начнут постепенно снимать с 2017 года, а безвизовый режим для нас, Грузии и Турции отложится на неопределенное время,... Sakhalin news (пресс-релиз.. 2016.06.23 Norway Issue Aftenposten 1. Brexit 20000+ Search Slik kan Brexit slite Storbritannia i biter Aftenposten Slik kan Brexit slite Storbritannia i biter. NTB. Sigurd Bjørnestad. Eirin Hurum. Oppdatert: 24.jun.2016 23:38. Publisert: 24.jun.2016 23:38. Statsminister David Cameron hadde kona Samantha med seg da han meldte sin avgang fredag. FOTO: STEFAN... E24 2. Bbc News 20000+ Search Morgan Stanley avviser BBC-på.. 2016.06.23 Nigeria Issue Vox 1. Brexit 50000+ Search Brexit is terrifying — and no, not because of the economics Vox Whats terrifying about Brexit [is] that a lot of the global economy takes certain rules of the game as given, Dan Drezner, an expert on the global economy at Tufts Universitys Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, told me. Theyve assumed for ... 2. Copa America final 2000+ Search Argentina .. 2016.06.23 Italy Issue Il Fatto Quotidiano 1. Brexit 2000000+ Search Brexit, per i mercati sarà unestate bollente. E il conto del divorzio lo pagheranno i Paesi deboli come lItalia Il Fatto Quotidiano La vittoria della Brexit ha infatti dato nuova forza ai movimenti antieuropeisti dellEuropa continentale, mettendo ulteriormente a nudo se ce ne fosse ancora bisogno la fragilità e i limiti politici della costruzione eur.. 2016.06.23 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. Brexit 200000+ Search Briten für Brexit: Die wichtigsten Entwicklungen des Tages Neue Zürcher Zeitung Obama hat nach der Brexit-Entscheidung Grossbritanniens auch mit Premierminister David Cameron und der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel telefoniert. Die USA würden sich mit den europäischen Verbündeten weiter abstimmen, um die Stabilität... Tagesspiegel 2. Bbc News.. 2016.06.23 Kenya Issue Vox 1. Brexit 20000+ Search Brexit is terrifying — and no, not because of the economics Vox Whats terrifying about Brexit [is] that a lot of the global economy takes certain rules of the game as given, Dan Drezner, an expert on the global economy at Tufts Universitys Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, told me. Theyve assumed for ... Jamaica Star Online 2. Delus 2000+ Search Shocking Suicide -.. 2016.06.23 Finland Issue New York Times 1. Brexit 50000+ Search Some Early Signs of Brexit Upheaval New York Times The long-term business consequences of Brexit will take years to fully emerge, largely because no one knows what kind of new trade barriers and regulations will emerge from negotiations with the European Union. But already there were worrisome signs ... 2. NHL Draft 2016 20000+ Search NHL Draft 20.. 이전 1 ··· 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 ··· 212 다음