World ISSUE (1691) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.06.28 Russia Issue "Город Саратов" 1. Твоя Россия.рф 20000+ Search Проголосуйте за Саратов на сайте Твоя-Россия.рф! "Город Саратов" Первый этап «Формирование расширенного списка городов и территорий и соответствующих им символов» пройдет с 28 июня по 28 июля 2016 г. Расширенный список формируется путем голосования за города/территории и их символы пользователями на сайте Твоя-Россия.рф. Аргументы и факты 2. Алекса.. 2016.06.28 Norway Issue 1. Istanbul 5000+ Search Selvmordsbombere angrep hovedflyplassen i Istanbul NRK Selvmordsbombere skal ha sprengt seg selv i luften på Istanbuls hovedflyplass Ataturk tirsdag kveld. Minst 36 mennesker skal være drept og over 140 skadet. Alle avganger fra flyplassen er avlyst. Telemarksavisa 2. Bandak 2000+ Search Bandak-konsernet overende Dagens Næringsliv Det er riktig at Bandak Gro.. 2016.06.28 Nigeria Issue The Guardian 1. Iceland 10000+ Search How did Iceland become Europes giant-slayers? The Guardian A tongue-in-cheek but tragically believable image did the rounds on social media during Englands defeat to Iceland. It shows a breakdown of the countrys population to reveal how unlikely the islands victory was, notwithstanding the oppositions ... NAIJ.COM 2. Uche Ogah 10000+ Search Unveiled! The man.. 2016.06.28 Italy Issue La Repubblica 1. Istanbul 200000+ Search Istanbul, spari sulla folla ed esplosioni allaeroporto Ataturk: almeno ... La Repubblica ISTANBUL - Potrebbero esserci gli islamisti dellIs dietro al nuovo attentato terroristico colpisce Istanbul. Come a marzo a Bruxelles, è il maggiore aeroporto della Turchia a finire sotto attacco. Almeno 3 terroristi armati di kalashnikov hanno aperto ... 2016.06.28 Switzerland Issue BLICK.CH 1. Istanbul 10000+ Search 28 Tote und 60 Verletzte: Terror-Anschlag am Atatürk-Flughafen in Istanbul BLICK.CH Vor drei Wochen waren bei einem Anschlag der TAK in Istanbuls Stadtmitte elf Menschen getötet worden. Dieses Attentat vom 7. Juni war der dritte schwere Anschlag seit Jahresbeginn im Zentrum Istanbul. Die TAK hatte anschliessend auch ausländische... Terrafemina 2. Mike Horn 5000.. 2016.06.28 Kenya Issue 1. England vs Iceland 10000+ Search Live: Euro 2016: England vs Iceland England has suffered the most embarrassing defeat in its history after crashing out of Euro 2016 with a 2-1 loss to Iceland this morning. England manager Roy Hodgson has resigned in the wake of the defeat. “These things happen,” Hodgson said in a press... The Independent 2. Italy vs Spain 5000+ Search.. 2016.06.28 Finland Issue New York Times 1. Bud Spencer 10000+ Search Movies|Bud Spencer, the Good Giant of Spaghetti Westerns, Dies at 86 New York Times Bud Spencer, a burly comic actor known as the “good giant” for punching out bad guys on the screen in a series of spaghetti westerns, died on Monday in Italy. He was 86. His son, Giuseppe Pedersoli, confirmed his death to the Italian news agency ANSA ... Hospitality Net.. 2016.06.28 U K Issue The Guardian 1. Istanbul 200000+ Search Turkey airport attack: 36 killed in explosions at Istanbul Atatürk The Guardian A series of deadly explosions tore through crowds at Istanbuls Atatürk international airport on Tuesday evening, leaving at least 36 people dead and scores more injured in an attack officials blamed on the Islamic State terror group. Shortly before ... 2. Nigel .. 이전 1 ··· 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 ··· 212 다음