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2016.07.06 Nigeria Issue Vanguard 1. Bukky Ajayi 10000+ Search 10 things to know about late veteran actress, Bukky Ajayi Vanguard 10 things to know about late veteran actress, Bukky Ajayi. On July 6, 2016 2:02 pmIn News, Showtime People by Femi AjasaComments. Veteran Nollywood actress, Bukky Ajayi has passed on. Here are some memorable things you need to know about the... Aljazeera.com 2. Lionel Messi 2000+ Search Lione..
2016.07.06 Italy Issue GQ.com 1. Giornata mondiale del bacio 50000+ Search Giornata mondiale del bacio: non fatevi cogliere impreparati GQ.com Oggi è la giornata mondiale del bacio, il simbolo dellamore per eccellenza. Celebrarlo con labbra assolutamente idratate e a prova di bacio, è necessario. I prodotti must have da avere sempre con sè sono molti e adatti a ogni tipo di esigenza: stick ... Il Sussidiario.net 2. In..
2016.07.06 Switzerland Issue BLICK.CH 1. Messi 5000+ Search Wegen Steuerhinterziehung: 21 Monate Knast auf Bewährung für Messi! BLICK.CH Messi wurde neben der Bewährungsstrafe auch zu einer Geldbusse von rund zwei Millionen Euro verurteilt. Sein Vater zu 1,5 Millionen Euro. Über Scheinfirmen in Belize und Uruguay sollen die Messis zwischen 2007 und 2009 Steuern in Höhe von 4,16... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Pokemon Go 5000+ Se..
2016.07.06 Kenya Issue Aljazeera.com 1. Messi 2000+ Search Lionel Messi given 21-month sentence for tax fraud Aljazeera.com Barcelona football star Lionel Messi has been sentenced to 21 months in prison after a Spanish court found him guilty of three counts of tax fraud. A court statement on Wednesday said the sentence could be appealed through the Spanish supreme court. NJ.com 2. Portugal vs Wales 1000+ Search Euro 2..
2016.07.06 Finland Issue TechCrunch 1. Pokemon Go 2000+ Search Pokémon Go is launching on iOS and Android today TechCrunch Surprise! It looks like Pokémon Go, the much-anticipated augmented reality game backed by Nintendo, is coming to Android and iOS devices near you today. The game was released in beta in the U.S. back in May, and it appears to be rolling out to iOS and... The Indian Express 2. Eid Mubarak 2000+ Searc..
2016.07.06 U K Issue The Guardian 1. Messi 200000+ Search Lionel Messi handed 21-month tax fraud sentence but is unlikely to serve time The Guardian But because the courts sentence was less than two years and neither Messi has a criminal record, neither will be sent to prison. Prosecutors had alleged that tax havens in Belize and Uruguay were used to conceal earnings from image rights. But Messi ... The Guardian 2. ..
2016.07.06 Sweden Issue Expressen 1. Messi 10000+ Search Så driver världen med Messi efter domen Expressen Argentinaren och hans pappa, Jorge Messi, som har hand om fotbollsstjärnans ekonomi, anklagas för att låtit bli att betala skatt till den spanska staten för 35 miljoner kronor mellan 2007-2009. Nu har straffet kommit. Det blir 21 månaders villkorligt... Göteborgs-Posten 2. Bertil Hult 5000+ Search Sommar i P1: Ber..
2016.07.06 France Issue Le Monde 1. Messi 50000+ Search Lionel Messi et son père condamnés à 21 mois de prison pour ... Le Monde Le footballeur argentin Lionel Messi a été condamné, mercredi 6 juillet, à vingt et un mois de prison par la justice espagnole qui la reconnu coupable de trois délits et davoir soustrait un total de 4,1 millions deuros au fisc. Lattaquant du FC ... Le Huffington Post 2. Portugal Pays De Galle..