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2016.07.08 Czech Issue ceskatelevize.cz 1. Ct Sport 10000+ Search ŽIVĚ: Čeští basketbalisté hrají o naději s Japonskem ceskatelevize.cz Bělehrad - Česká basketbalová reprezentace nastoupila do druhého utkání kvalifikace o Rio proti Japonsku po včerejší prohře s Lotyšskem. Češi potřebují nutně vyhrát, aby si zajistili postup do semifinále, ve kterém by je čekali domácí Srbové. Živě.cz 2. Pokemon Go 10000+ Search Nianti..
2016.07.08 Russia Issue Чемпионат.com 1. Португалия Уэльс 200000+ Search Евро-2016. Португалия — Уэльс — 2:0. 6 июля 2016. Обзор матча, голы Чемпионат.com Португалия тоже пострадала от УЕФА, но не так сильно. Вильям Карвалью не первый год ходит в талантах невероятных, но до статуса звезды пока явно не доработался. Главные хедлайнеры Португалии всё равно в старте — и Криштиану, и Нани, и Ренату Санчес. Не важно — 18 ему..
2016.07.08 Norway Issue VG 1. Ronaldo 20000+ Search Derfor er Ronaldo «untouchable» VG Ronaldo er endelig fremme der han startet for 12 år siden, i en finale. Han som skulle gjøre Portugal til et mesterlag, får endelig sin andre finalesjanse. Hjemmetapet for Hellas i 2004 gnager fortsatt, denne gangen slipper portugiserne ... Gamereactor Norge 2. Pokemon Go 10000+ Search Square Enix tuller med Pokémon GO i artig tweet ..
2016.07.08 Nigeria Issue AllAfrica.com 1. Bukky Ajayi 20000+ Search Bukky Ajayi: AGN declares 2-day mourning Vanguard ... “On behalf of the National Executive Committee and the entire members of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, the National President, Ibinabo Fiberesima commiserates with the family of the our late veteran Actor and member, Bukky Zainab Ajayi, who passed ... CNNMoney 2. Messi 10000+ Search Lionel Messis reti..
2016.07.08 Italy Issue Il Post 1. Pokemon Go 500000+ Search Che cosè Pokémon GO Il Post Pokémon GO è il primo videogioco per smartphone dedicato ai Pokémon, i personaggi inventati newl 1996 da Satoshi Tajiri e che hanno avuto in enorme successo soprattutto in tv e nei Game Boy. Lapp Pokémon GO è uscita mercoledì 6 luglio in alcuni... Corriere della Sera 2. Francia Germania 500000+ Search Francia-Germania, uomo muore i..
2016.07.08 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. EM 50000+ Search EM-Halbfinal: Ronaldos grosser Auftritt Neue Zürcher Zeitung Für ihn war es das neunte Tor an einer EM, das neunte im 20. Spiel. Es soll nicht der letzte Treffer gewesen sein. Am Sonntag wird er seinen zweiten EM-Final nach 2004 spielen, und sicher wird es ihn motivieren, dass er erreichen kann, was sein ... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Gareth Bale 50000+ Sear..
2016.07.08 Kenya Issue The Guardian 1. Euro 2016 20000+ Search Germany 0-2 France: Euro 2016 semi-final – as it happened The Guardian ... clears once more. A moment before that Can went stomping through midfield and then fell to the ground as though fouled. In fact his huge frame just slipped over and he admits as much. When he gets going he takes some stopping. Hes 2016s Jan Molby. Forbes 2. Messi 5000+ Search Soccer..
2016.07.08 Finland Issue BBC News 1. Wales 20000+ Search Euro 2016: Wales players to get homecoming celebration BBC News A special homecoming event to welcome back Wales Euro 2016 team is being held in Cardiff on Friday. A celebratory open top bus tour will leave from Cardiff Castle and Manic Street Preachers will play to an expected sell-out crowd of more than 33,000 ... CNET 2. Pokemon Go 10000+ Search How gym battles..