America ISSUE/Canada (52) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.20 Canada Issue Metro 1. Pokemon GO server status 50000+ Search Pokemon GO server status: Twitter account gives you live updates Metro Did they finally fix the servers? No, dont be silly! Thatll come soon, we hope. A group of Pokemasters has set up a Twitter account giving live information about Pokemon GO servers and their status. The @PoGoServer account details every outage, so ... The Next Web 2. Kickass Tor.. 2016.07.19 Canada Issue Slate Magazine 1. Ted Cruz 50000+ Search Ted Cruz Just Made Himself a Conservative Icon—and Perhaps the GOPs 2020 Nominee Slate Magazine Trumps devotees were so livid about Cruzs pointed refusal to endorse Trump that Ken Cuccinelli, a Cruz ally, felt moved to escort Teds wife, Heidi Cruz, away from the convention floor. There are possibly apocryphal stories floating around of an ... Refinery29 2.. 2016.07.18 Canada Issue The Guardian 1. Donald Trump 200000+ Search US election 2016: Republican party nominates Donald Trump for president The Guardian Donald Trump supporters celebrated their once unthinkable capture of the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday night as state delegates took turns to count up the votes from his remarkable sweep through the partys 2016 primary election. 2. Melania Trump .. 2016.07.17 Canada Issue 1. Baton Rouge 200000+ Search Sheer brutality: Police detail Baton Rouge shooting scene BATON ROUGE, La. — The horrific scene unfolded in a matter of minutes, a black-clad man with military training stalking law enforcement officers and ignoring horrified onlookers as he shot anyone he could find wearing a badge. Police say Gavin Long ... Tech Insider 2. How To Play P.. 2016.07.16 Canada Issue 1. Qandeel Baloch 50000+ Search Pakistanis on Qandeel Baloch: The problem is society The murder of Pakistani social media sensation, Qandeel Baloch, by her own brother has angered millions of Pakistanis, while others have celebrated her death on account of her rebelious, provocative, and what some considered unIslamic statements in the... The Guardian 2. Henrik Stenso.. 2016.07.15 Canada Issue 1. Turkey 500000+ Search Canadian government urges calm in Turkey, advises Canadians there to stay indoors The Canadian government urged calm in Turkey amid a failed coup attempt Friday and advised Canadians not to travel to the country. On Saturday, when it became clear the coup was unsuccessful, Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Dion said he commended... 2. Taliyah Marsman.. 2016.07.14 Canada Issue 1. Nice France 1000000+ Search Truck plows into Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France, 84 dead A large truck plowed through revellers gathered for Bastille Day fireworks in Nice, leaving at least 84 people dead and sending others fleeing into the sea as it bore down for two kilometres along the French Riviera citys famed waterfront promenade. 2. ATTENTAT NICE 100000+ Searc.. 2016.07.13 Canada Issue The Guardian 1. Taylor Swift 50000+ Search Dating Taylor Swift: a nightmare dressed like a daydream? The Guardian Taylor Swifts most recent ex-boyfriend, Scottish DJ Calvin Harris, has just been outed as not-the-writer of his hit song This is What You Came For. Apparently, although he and Taylor decided to obfuscate her handiwork by billing her as “Nils Sjoberg ... New York Times 2. Theresa May .. 이전 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 다음