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2016.07.27 Czech Issue České noviny 1. Rihanna Praha 2000+ Search Zpěvačka Rihanna v Praze zpěvem a tancem rozparádila O2 arenu České noviny Praha - Zejména písně z nového alba Anti dnes v zaplněné pražské O2 areně v rámci evropské části turné Anti World Tour nabídla barbadoská zpěvačka Rihanna. Jedna z nejúspěšnějších umělkyň současnosti představila i hosty turné, kterými jsou rapper... iSport.cz 2. Mrazek 2000+ Sear..
2016.07.27 Russia Issue N+1 1. Prisma Android 10000+ Search Prisma для Android появилась в Google Play N+1 Ранее во время стадии бета-тестирования разработчики отмечали, что функциональность Android-приложения идентична Prisma для iOS. Для обработки изображения используется предварительно обученная нейросеть, которая перерисовывает картинку в зависимости от выбранного...
2016.07.27 Nigeria Issue Bleacher Report 1. WWE 5000+ Search WWE Monday Night Raw Results (7-25-16): Finn Balor Has Arrived Forbes It was Finn Balors birthday and boy did he ever make an impact in his Monday Night Raw debut. Hes gone from NXT star to a man with a shot at a brand new WWE title belt against Seth Rollins at SummerSlam. Thats a pretty good birthday present. Take a... Telegraph.co.uk 2. Man U Vs Man City 200..
2016.07.27 Italy Issue ANSA.it 1. Allarme bomba Milano 100000+ Search Milano, allarme bomba in Centrale: cè lipotesi di un rifiuto ... La Repubblica Non sono tre ragazzini quelli ripresi dalle telecamere a lasciare la borsa bianca con la scatola di legno che ha fatto scattare, ieri sera, lallarme bomba nella stazione della metro in Centrale. Più probabilmente si tratta di un uomo che lascia un ... TvZap 2. COCA COLA S..
2016.07.27 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. Ansbach 10000+ Search Anschlag in Ansbach: Deutschlands erstes islamistisches Selbstmordattentat Neue Zürcher Zeitung Kurz vor zehn Uhr am Sonntagabend hat in Ansbach bei Nürnberg ein 27-jährige Syrer, dessen Asylantrag in Deutschland abgelehnt worden war, ein islamistisch motiviertes Attentat verübt. Durch die von ihm in der Nähe eines Open-Air-Konzerts gezündete... Gala..
2016.07.27 Kenya Issue Telegraph.co.uk 1. Hull City 2000+ Search Steve Bruce denies retirement claim as Hull City step up search for replacement Telegraph.co.uk Steve Bruce has dismissed suggestions he is ready for retirement, despite quitting as Hull City manager last week, while his former club hope to name his replacement early next week. There had been reports in the aftermath of Bruces departure from ...
2016.07.27 Norway Issue VG 1. Ansbach 1000+ Search Ansbach-bomber sverget troskap til IS VG Den syriske asylsøkeren gikk til angrep mot en musikkfestival i den tyske byen Ansbach søndag. Da han ble nektet inngang til festivalen sprengte han seg selv i luften. Minst tolv mennesker ble skadet, men bare den mistenkte gjerningsmannen ble drept i... Seoghør.no 2. Ariana Grande 1000+ Search Dette ble for mye for Obama Seoghø..
2016.07.27 Finland Issue ETBrandEquity.com 1. Martin Armstrong 5000+ Search Four Lessons From the Yahoo Sale Bloomberg Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page may not pal around with powerful ad boss Martin Sorrell, but the Alphabet CEO doesnt fall asleep and miss meetings with advertisers as Mayer did. Zuckerberg didnt hire a high-priced ad boss and then quickly fire him as ... Telegraph.co.uk 2. Roger Moore 2000+ Search Sir Ro..