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2016.07.29 Czech Issue tn.cz 1. Vymena Manzelek 2000+ Search Život po Výměně: Další dítě a přátelství, které nikdo nečekal tn.cz Repríza oblíbené reality show Výměna manželek proti sobě tentokrát postavila akční rodinu Petry Vojáčkové - jejího manžela Martina a tři dětí - která už šestnáct let šťastně žije v Ústí nad Labem, a mladý pár Kristýnu a Marka, kteří vychovávali své dvě ... Hospodářské noviny 2. Robert Plant ..
2016.07.29 Russia Issue Правда.Ру 1. Исинбаева 20000+ Search Елена Исинбаева не примет участия в Олимпиаде-2016 Правда.Ру В своем Instagram Исинбаева пояснила, что 20 минут назад я получила отрицательный ответ от секретаря IAAF. К сожалению, мне не сделали исключение. До ОИ в Рио меня не допустили. Чуда не произошло. Спасибо вам всем большое за поддержку, огромное спасибо! Не судьба мне... Взгляд 2. Крым 10000+ Search ..
2016.07.29 Italy Issue Si24 - Il vostro sito quotidiano 1. Georgette e Davide 200000+ Search Georgette e Davide / L amore trionfa: la risposta a tutte le critiche ... Il Sussidiario.net GEORGETTE POLIZZI E DAVIDE TRESSE, LA RISPOSTA A TUTTE LE CRITICHE – Incuranti delle critiche che stanno ricevendo dopo lultima puntata di Temptation Island 2016, Georgette Polizzi e Davide Tresse si godono il loro amore. Il bel Davide..
2016.07.29 Switzerland Issue RTS.ch 1. Aeroport Geneve 5000+ Search Sécurité renforcée à laéroport de Genève par crainte dun attentat RTS.ch La situation à laéroport est calme. La direction de laéroport a pour sa part mentionné lexistence dun coup de téléphone anonyme qui aurait déclenché lopération. La sécurité a été renforcée à lintérieur et à lextérieur de laéroport de Genève ... SPIEGEL ONLINE 2. Le Monde 2000+ Search I..
2016.07.29 Kenya Issue The Star, Kenya 1. Koffi Olomide 10000+ Search Je Suis Koffi Olomide: Jailed singer seeks fans support after attacking woman The Star, Kenya Congolese singer Koffi Olomide has asked fans for support following his arrest for an assault on one of his female dancers at the JKIA in Nairobi. The Rhumba maestro was arrested on Tuesday at his home in Kinshasa, DRC, to where he was deported after...
2016.07.29 Norway Issue 1. Olavsfestdagene 2000+ Search Olavsfestdagene – en praktisk gjennomgang Adresseavisen Under slagordet Olavsfestdagene for alle markerer de seg dessuten som en pionerfestival ved å være godt tilrettelagt for dem med spesielle behov. Det vil i Borggården befinne seg en egen HC-rampe med WC, det vil være tegnspråktolker både under... Aftenposten 2. Hillary Clinton 2000+ Search Arenaen eksploderte..
2016.07.29 Finland Issue New York Times 1. Hillary Clinton 5000+ Search Hillary Clintons Convention: Day 3 New York Times The intensifying battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is turning into a contest of those visions. That became clearer than ever on the third night of the Democratic National Convention here, as President Obama answered Trumps message of ... Parade 2. Bachelorette Emily 5000+ Search Former ..
2016.07.29 Nigeria Issue Pulse Nigeria 1. Ani Iyoho 5000+ Search Behind the Wheels: Watch Stanlee Ohikhuare set Ani Iyoho ablaze for stunt Pulse Nigeria His latest movie Behind the Wheels features Nollywood actor Ani Iyoho ablaze. In the movie, Iyohos character is set on fire. There are also photos of his character on a hospital bed. On Wednesday, July 27, an email was disseminated to various media... Mirror.co.uk 2. Ch..