전체 글 (1691) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.06.27 Norway Issue Dagbladet.no 1. Island 20000+ Search Island med fotballmirakel: – Dette blir sjukere og sjukere! NRK Det er trua og kraften vi har sammen som et lag, sier Islands første målscorer, Ragnar Sigurdsson etter kampen. – Det er helt utrolig. Dette blir sjukere og sjukere, bryter NRKs ekspertkommentator Tom Nordlie. Island med 330.000 innbygger er i ... E24 2. BBC 10000+ Search BBC: Ny statsminister kl.. 2016.06.27 Nigeria Issue ESPN FC (blog) 1. Iceland 10000+ Search Iceland stage epic England upset ESPN FC (blog) Their plan was to stretch an Iceland side big on organisation but short on pace, and it paid instant dividends. Before the three-minute mark had been reached, Daniel Sturridge turned the Iceland defence around with a searching diagonal pass for Raheem... NAIJ.COM 2. Uche Ogah 5000+ Search Unveiled! The man wh.. 2016.06.27 Italy Issue La Repubblica 1. Bud Spencer 1000000+ Search Cinema, è morto Bud Spencer, il gigante buono del cinema italiano La Repubblica E morto a Roma lattore Carlo Pedersoli, meglio conosciuto come Bud Spencer. Aveva 86 anni. Lo ha annunciato il figlio Giuseppe Pedersoli: Papà è volato via serenamente alle 18.15. Non ha sofferto, aveva tutti noi accanto e la sua ultima parola è ... La Repubblica 2. Pellè .. 2016.06.27 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. Island 50000+ Search EM-Achtelfinal: Sigþórsson bringt Island in Führung Neue Zürcher Zeitung Island glich die Partie aus und ist wieder zurück. England hatte klar mehr Spielanteile, doch Island stand defensiv hervorragend. In der 18. Minute überraschten die Isländer weiter und erzielten das 2:1! Dieses Resultat nehmen die kämpferisch starken... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Bu.. 2016.06.27 Kenya Issue NEWS.com.au 1. England vs Iceland 5000+ Search Live: Euro 2016: England vs Iceland NEWS.com.au England has suffered the most embarrassing defeat in its history after crashing out of Euro 2016 with a 2-1 loss to Iceland this morning. England manager has resigned in the wake of the defeat. “These things happen,” he said in a press conference where ... The Independent 2. Italy vs Spain 5000+ Search.. 2016.06.27 Finland Issue YLE News 1. Kauppalehti 10000+ Search Mondays papers: Brexit repercussions, Midsummer tragedies YLE News ... the long-term economic impacts of a Brexit would be minimal. The Helsinki Stock Exchange opened on Monday morning for the first time since results of the Brexit vote were announced, dropping more than five percent in early trading, reports Kauppalehti. International Business Times 2. Rhae.. 2016.06.27 U K Issue NPR 1. Messi 200000+ Search Soccer Shocker: Lionel Messi Says Hes Retiring From Argentinas National Team NPR After losing three previous Copa America finals, Lionel Messi on Sunday night had another chance to win. Argentina and Chile were locked in a scoreless tie, and the match would be decided by penalty kicks. Messi bent down to adjust the ball and backed ... BBC Sport 2. Wimbledon 2016 20000.. 2016.06.27 Sweden Issue Expressen 1. Island 100000+ Search Petters löfte: Om Island vinner så.. Expressen Island (4–4–2): Hannes Halldorsson – Birkir Saevarsson, Ragnar Sigurdsson, Kari Arnason, Ari Skulason – Johann Gudmundsson, Aron Gunnarsson, Gylfi Sigurdsson, Birkir Bjarnason – Kolbeinn Sigthorsson (Elmar Bjarnason 77), Jon Bödvarsson (Arnor... Göteborgs-Posten 2. TV3 Play 50000+ Search Överbelastning stoppade TV3.. 이전 1 ··· 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 ··· 212 다음