kim kardashian (3) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.28 South Africa Issue Eyewitness News 1. tornado in Tembisa 100000+ Search Makhura thankful no lives lost in Tembisa tornado disaster Eyewitness News One woman says luckily she had sent her children home over the weekend, so they missed the tornado. My children were not here, luckily last week I sent them back home to my parents. I cant imagine what it would have been like if my children were around. People Magazine .. 2016.07.20 Germany Issue ZEIT ONLINE 1. Würzburg 200000+ Search Attacke im Zug: Was wir über den Angriff in Würzburg wissen ZEIT ONLINE Die Regionalbahn RB 58130 war am Montagabend auf dem Weg von Treuchtlingen nach Würzburg, als ab 21.13 Uhr mehrere Notrufe bei der Polizei eingingen. Ein Jugendlicher hatte Fahrgäste angriffen. Er war laut Polizei mit einer Axt und einem Messer... FOCUS Online 2. Andrea Berg 100000+ Sea.. 2016.07.11 Brazil Issue 1. Cruzeiro 100000+ Search Weverton fecha o gol, Atlético-PR atropela Cruzeiro no Mineirão e ... Cirúrgico na frente e com uma atuação brilhante de Weverton atrás. Nesta segunda-feira, o Atlético-PR venceu o Cruzeiro por 3 a 0 em pleno Mineirão, pela 14ª rodada do Campeonato Brasileiro. André Lima, duas vezes, e Pablo marcaram. 2. Serasa 50000+ Search Nome sujo:.. 이전 1 다음