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2016.08.03 Australia Issue The Australian 1. Census 100000+ Search 2016 Census risks becoming a debacle says Nick Xenophon The Australian “The Australian Bureau of Statistics in undertaking the census, always protects the peoples privacy and the security of their personal details is absolute. And that is protected by law and by practice, so that is a given,” the Prime Minister told ... NEWS.com.au 2. Melania Trump 20000+ ..
2016.07.07 Australia Issue Fortune 1. Juno probe 1000000+ Search How This Fortune 500 Company Got NASAs Juno to Jupiter On a Low Budget Fortune While other Americans were watching July 4th fireworks on Monday evening, more than 100 people were at Lockheed Martins offices outside Denver monitoring the skies for something else: NASAs Juno probe, which successfully reached Jupiter and began... The Indian Express 2. Eid Mubar..
2016.07.07 Australia Issue Fortune 1. Juno probe 1000000+ Search How This Fortune 500 Company Got NASAs Juno to Jupiter On a Low Budget Fortune While other Americans were watching July 4th fireworks on Monday evening, more than 100 people were at Lockheed Martins offices outside Denver monitoring the skies for something else: NASAs Juno probe, which successfully reached Jupiter and began... The Indian Express 2. Eid Mubar..
2016.07.05 Australia Issue CNN International 1. Juno probe 1000000+ Search Welcome to Jupiter! NASAs Juno space probe arrives at giant planet CNN International Preliminary looks are that the spacecraft is performing well , said Guy Beutelschies, Director of Interplanetary Missions at Lockheed Martin Space Systems, the company that built the spacecraft. Steve Levin, Juno Project Scientist, looked ahead to ... The Indian Ex..
2016.07.04 Canada Issue CBC.ca 1. Juno probe 1000000+ Search Its amazing: U of A scientist excited as Juno probe reaches Jupiter CBC.ca Earthlings are getting an unprecedented view of Jupiter now that a NASA probe has arrived inside the planets orbit for a peek behind the clouds. A sequence of tones beamed back Tuesday confirmed the Juno satellite had successfully manoeuvred its way... Hoops Hype 2. Kevin Durant 200000..
2016.06.21 Australia Issue FasterLouder 1. Listen Out 2016 20000+ Search Listen Out just dropped its stacked 2016 lineup FasterLouder Listen Outs lineups have always paired electronic music with hip-hop and thats a tradition that wont be broken in 2016. The bill for this years national festival is in and its an all-killer, no-filler affair. Leading the charge is Anderson .Paak ... The West Australian 2. Roger Rogerson 100..