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Mischa Barton

2016.07.17 Australia Issue ABC Online 1. Nice 500000+ Search What we know about Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel ABC Online The man who drove a truck into a crowd of people in the French resort town of Nice, killing more than 80 people as he swerved to hit as many people as possible, suffered from depression but was in no way motivated by religion, according to his father. BBC News 2. Bbc News 20000+ Search Why jihadists stalk t..
2016.07.16 Greece Issue Sport 24 1. Πασ Γιαννινα 10000+ Search Οι πιθανοί αντίπαλοι Παναθηναϊκού, ΑΕΚ, ΠΑΣ Γιάννινα Sport 24 Η ΑΕΚ απέφυγε τα περισσότερα μεγαθήρια, αφού μόνο η Σεντ Ετιέν και η Σπαρτάκ Μόσχας μπορούν να... φοβίσουν την Ένωση. Τέλος, ο ΠΑΣ, που φυσικά πρώτα έχει το μυαλό του στη ρεβάνς με την Οντ, θα πρέπει να σταθεί ιδιαίτερα τυχερός, προκειμένου να... News247.gr 2. Αλέκος Γιαννάκης 10000+ Search Αλέκο..
2016.07.16 Austria Issue DiePresse.com 1. Tour de France 10000+ Search Schrecken und Sorge fahren mit DiePresse.com Mit seinem Zwischensprint zu Fuß auf dem Mont Ventoux hat Chris Froome am Donnerstag für ein seltenes Highlight bei der Tour de France gesorgt. Derartige Szenen gab es in der 113-jährigen Geschichte der Rundfahrt nur selten zu bestaunen, 1913 brach... FOCUS Online 2. Mirja du Mont 5000+ Search Mirja du Mon..
2016.07.16 U K Issue BBC News 1. Nice 2000000+ Search Cookies on the BBC website BBC News Image caption The Nice truck attack in France dominates the front pages, with the Times saying that 52 people were critically ill after a Tunisian delivery driver with a history of wife-beating and road rage drove a lorry into crowds celebrating ... BBC Sport 2. The Open 2016 200000+ Search The Open 2016: Rory McIlroy needs fas..
2016.07.14 U S Issue NPR 1. Mike Pence 1000000+ Search Despite Ties To VP Pick Mike Pence, Koch Network Still Refuses To Support Trump NPR Mike Pence, newly chosen as Donald Trumps running mate, has a strong following among social conservatives for his stands on Planned Parenthood, gay marriage and other hot-button issues. Less noticed are his ties to low-taxes, small-government... Reuters 2. Tunisia 1000000+ Search..