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Jeffree Star

2016.07.21 Australia Issue The Australian 1. Melania Trump 100000+ Search Melania Trump speech row: Staffer takes the blame The Australian But the noise surrounding Melania Trumps opening day speech was all but drowning it out. After the campaign spent 36 hours dismissing the dust-up as absurd — and any similarities with a 2008 Michelle Obama speech as coincidence — Meredith McIver... Refinery29 2. Jeffree Star 20000+ Sea..
2016.07.21 U K Issue New York Times 1. Melania Trump 200000+ Search Politics|Behind Melania Trumps Cribbed Lines, an Ex- Ballerina Who Loved Writing New York Times “My name is Meredith McIver and Im an in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization,” began an extraordinary statement she released Wednesday morning in which she took the blame for the disastrous plagiarism of Michelle Obama in Melania Trumps... Daily ..
2016.07.19 U S Issue Vanity Fair 1. Tiffany Trump 2000000+ Search Listen to Tiffany Trumps Forgotten Pop Song Vanity Fair Like many 17-year-olds in 2011, Donald Trumps daughter Tiffany had musical aspirations. Specifically, she wanted to be a pop star. Trumps tend to go into the family real-estate business, but at the age of 17, Tiffany appeared to take more after her ... CNN International 2. Garry Marshall 500000+ ..
2016.07.19 Canada Issue Slate Magazine 1. Ted Cruz 50000+ Search Ted Cruz Just Made Himself a Conservative Icon—and Perhaps the GOPs 2020 Nominee Slate Magazine Trumps devotees were so livid about Cruzs pointed refusal to endorse Trump that Ken Cuccinelli, a Cruz ally, felt moved to escort Teds wife, Heidi Cruz, away from the convention floor. There are possibly apocryphal stories floating around of an ... Refinery29 2..