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Iron Maiden

2016.08.01 Rumania Issue DigiSport 1. Simona Halep Montreal 10000+ Search Simona Halep a câştigat Rogers Cup, la Montreal. Victorie superbă ... DigiSport Simona Halep a câştigat al doilea titlu WTA consecutiv şi al treilea din acest an, la Rogers Cup. În finala de la Montreal, românca a trecut în două seturi, scor 7-5, 6-3, de americanca Madison Keys, după o oră şi 15 minute de joc. Este al 14-lea titlu ... Evenimentul ..
2016.07.22 Switzerland Issue bluewin.ch 1. Dimitri 20000+ Search So trauert der Bundesrat um Clown Dimitri bluewin.ch Sein Tod kam überraschend: Gestern Abend schloss Clown Dimitri für immer die Augen. Der Künstler sei mitten aus seinem vielseitigen Schaffen gerissen worden, teilte das Teatro Monte Verità am Mittwoch mit. Ein poetischer Clown und wunderbarer... Neue Zürcher Zeitung 2. Tour de France 20000+ Search Tour de Fr..
2016.06.29 Finland Issue BLABBERMOUTH.NET 1. IRON MAIDEN 5000+ Search IRON MAIDENs BRUCE DICKINSON To Speak At Scotlands GOLD AWARDS BLABBERMOUTH.NET IRON MAIDEN singer Bruce Dickinson will be a guest speaker at this years Gold Awards in Scotland. The aviation specialist and master brewer will make his debut as an after-dinner speaker to a select audience of 300 at the September 8 event in Aberdeen. Forward 2. Paul Rudd..
2016.06.21 Denmark Issue Goal.com 1. Emre Mor 5000+ Search Terim hails saviour Emre Mor after Turkey triumph Goal.com Turkey coach Fatih Terim hailed teenager Emre Mor as his sides saviour after they kept their Euro 2016 campaign alive with a 2-0 win over Czech Republic. The 18-year-old, who signed for Borussia Dortmund just before the finals began, capped a fine... BLABBERMOUTH.NET 2. IRON MAIDEN 2000+ Search IRON MAID..