Heath Ledger (6) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.08.01 Spain Issue 1. Real Madrid Chelsea 50000+ Search 2. Gameiro 20000+ Search 3. Heath Ledger 10000+ Search 4. Cristiano Ronaldo Y Eiza Gonzalez 10000+ Search 5. Ribery Guardiola 5000+ Search 2016.07.31 Norway Issue VG 1. Linn Olsen Uteng 10000+ Search Naboer om avdøde Linn Olsen Uteng (32): - Hun var alltid blid, snill og hjelpsom Dagbladet.no TROMSØ / OSLO (Dagbladet): Torsdag kveld pågrep politiet i Tromsø en 27 år gammel mann og siktet ham for forsettlig drap på sin ekskjæreste Linn Olsen Uteng (32). Drapet fant sted i en leilighet i Røstbakken et lite stykke utenfor sentrum. Et rolig ... Aftenposten 2... 2016.07.31 Finland Issue Atlanta Journal Constitution 1. Heath Ledger 2000+ Search Heath Ledgers death was totally his fault, father says Atlanta Journal Constitution Actor Heath Ledger from the film Candy poses for portraits in the Chanel Celebrity Suite at the Four Season hotel during the Toronto International Film Festival on September 8, 2006 in Toronto, Canada. (Photo by Carlo Allegri/Getty Images). Reason (blog) 2.. 2016.07.30 Portugal Issue Público.pt 1. Auschwitz 2000+ Search Silêncio e oração na visita do Papa Francisco a Auschwitz Público.pt Em silêncio, com o rosto carregado e quase sempre sozinho, o Papa percorreu nesta sexta-feira as estações do genocídio montado pelos nazis no campo de concentração de Auschwitz-Birkenau, nos arredores de Cracóvia. Na véspera, tinha pedido aos... SAPO Tek 2. Xiaomi 2000+ Search Xiaomi apresen.. 2016.07.24 Switzerland Issue Neue Zürcher Zeitung 1. München 100000+ Search Amoklauf in München: Was wir wissen – was unklar ist Neue Zürcher Zeitung In München sind am Freitagabend kurz vor 18 Uhr Schüsse gefallen. Die Schiesserei ereignete sich bei einem Fast-Food-Restaurant und verlagerte sich anschliessend zum Olympia-Einkaufszentrum. □ Dabei wurden neun Personen getötet. Darunter... Le Temps 2. Munich 20000+ Search Lau.. 2016.07.24 Finland Issue Touch Arcade 1. Pokevision 10000+ Search Pokevision for Pokemon GO Lets You See Which Pokemon are Spawned Near You Touch Arcade [appicon]The nice thing about Pokemon GO [Free] being built on various databases with available APIs is that it has inspired people to make their own tools to find Pokemon, to try and streamline the process. Pokevision is one of the most powerful tools ... Fox News 2. M.. 이전 1 다음