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2016.08.04 Italy Issue ForzaRoma.info 1. Federico Fazio 50000+ Search Roma, 10 fatti da sapere su Federico Fazio ForzaRoma.info Neo acquisto della Roma, Federico Fazio da oggi è ufficialmente un nuovo giocatore giallorosso. In giornata, visite mediche e poi firma sul contratto che lo legherà alla Roma per i prossimi 3 anni più opzione per un quarto. La società giallorossa sul ... Il Sussidiario.net 2. GABIGOL 50000+ S..
2016.07.18 Greece Issue News247.gr 1. NEWS247 20000+ Search Άγκυρα: Πραξικοπηματίας έριξε το ρωσικό αεροσκάφος News247.gr NEWS247 DELTIOKAIROU ONEMAN LADYLIKE SPORTKIT TECHGEAR IPHONEHELLAS MACUSER DPGR THE HUFFINGTON POST EUROLEAGUE NBA. SITE ΤΟΥ ΟΜΙΛΟΥ 24MEDIA. COPYRIGHT © 2014 NEWS247. ALL RIGHT RESERVED. www.enikos.gr (Ιστολόγιο) 2. enikos 20000+ Search Οι Τούρκοι πραξικοπηματίες δηλώνουν πως εξακολουθούν να ... ww..
2016.07.18 Finland Issue The Guardian 1. Erdogan 20000+ Search Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been staged by Erdoğan regime The Guardian Fethullah Gülen, the reclusive cleric blamed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the failed coup in Turkey, has said the uprising by members of the countrys military could have been “staged” by the government. Daily Mail 2. Pokemon Go Server Status 10000+ Search Pokemon Go ser..
2016.07.18 Hungary Issue 24.hu 1. Törökország Puccs 20000+ Search Elbukott a katonai puccs Törökországban 24.hu Éjjel a török hadsereg megpróbálta megdönteni Recep Tayyip Erdogan elnök és a kormány hatalmát. Az állami tévé és a kormánypárt székházát is elfoglalták. Állításuk szerint azért cselekedtek, hogy visszaállítsák az alkotmányos rendet, a demokráciát,... 444.hu 2. Paja G 10000+ Search Meghalt Paja G 444.hu Paja G..
2016.07.17 Denmark Issue The Guardian 1. Erdogan 20000+ Search Fethullah Gülen: Turkey coup may have been staged by Erdoğan regime The Guardian Fethullah Gülen, the reclusive cleric blamed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the failed coup in Turkey, has said the uprising by members of the countrys military could have been “staged” by the government. Huffington Post 2. CNN 10000+ Search CNN Turk Kept Broadcasting As ..