Alex Manninger (3) 썸네일형 리스트형 2016.07.24 Norway Issue Bergens Tidende 1. Munchen 10000+ Search Nå: Nye skuddløsninger på minst tre nye steder i Munchen Bergens Tidende Flere personer er drept og såret etter at en person åpnet ild på et kjøpesenter i München, opplyser politiet ifølge tyske medier. Tre personer er så langt bekreftet døde, opplyser delstatsmyndighetene i Bayern. Politiet jakter på tre gjerningsmenn ... Halden Arbeiderblad 2. Utøya 500.. 2016.07.24 U K Issue Financial Times 1. Munich 500000+ Search Munich killer was obsessed with mass shootings Financial Times Police said the young man who shot dead nine people near a shopping centre in Munich on Friday evening before turning the gun on himself had a fascination with mass shootings, including the 2011 Norwegian massacre by Anders Behring Breivik, and no... Touch Arcade 2. Pokevision 100000+ Search P.. 2016.07.14 U K Issue The Guardian 1. Owen Smith 100000+ Search Owen Smith to offer referendum on Brexit deal if elected Labour leader The Guardian Owen Smith has set out his stall for the Labour leadership by saying he would offer the public a second referendum to ratify any Brexit deal Britain strikes with the EU. In an interview with the Guardian, the Pontypridd MP accused Jeremy Corbyn, the ... The Guardian 2. Li.. 이전 1 다음