| 1. Orlando Bloom 100000+ Search Does Orlando Blooms pixellated penis rectify Hollywoods double standards? The Guardian I wish I could say “hysteria over Orlando Blooms genitals” is a sequence of words I never thought I would write, but that wouldnt be entirely truthful. What does it mean? There are so many possibilities. The revelation of a celebrity penis being ... |
| 2. Drake Eminem 20000+ Search Kanye West Thinks Drake Would Obliterate… Kanye West Thinks Drake Would ... Hollywood Life Drake cleared up those Eminem beef rumors on Aug. 5, when he blasted Hot 97, the radio station whose DJs originally claims that Slim Shady was working on a diss track about Drake after he bashed Joe Budden. Fans were devastated to learn that there... |
| 3. Emirates 20000+ Search WATCH: Video from on board Emirates crash landing captures panic Globalnews.ca WATCH ABOVE: New video posted to social media shows the panic and confusion as 300 people on board an Emirates flight scrambled to exit the plane following an emergency crash landing at Dubais international airport. |
| 4. Michelle Pugh 10000+ Search Kelly Osbourne Publicly Exposed Michelle Pugh to Hatred, Contempt, Ridicule ... People Magazine Amid rumors of the affair in May, Kelly sent a series of angry tweets, releasing Pughs direct phone number and accusing her of elder abuse. In this weeks issue of PEOPLE, Pugh explains the reason behind her lawsuit was because of the public ... |
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2016.08.04 Canada Issue (0) | 2016.08.21 |
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2016.08.01 Canada Issue (0) | 2016.08.16 |
2016.07.31 Canada Issue (0) | 2016.08.16 |