| 1. Theresa May 10000+ Search Theresa Mays British Cabinet Has New Faces but Old Divides New York Times LONDON — Firing adversaries and promoting allies, Prime Minister Theresa May was finalizing a cabinet on Thursday intended to carry through Britains withdrawal from the European Union while underscoring her desire to pursue more centrist policies at... |
| 2. Ayanda Mabulu Latest Painting 2000+ Search I am going to throttle Ayanda Mabulu - Edward Zuma News24 Durban – “When I see Ayanda Mabulu, I am going to wrap my fingers around his neck and throttle him.” This is what President Jacob Zumas son, Edward, plans to do to the artist for again painting his father engaging in a sexual act, this time with one ... |
'Africa ISSUE > South Africa' 카테고리의 다른 글
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