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Europe ISSUE/Finland

2016.07.07 Finland Issue

1. Juno probe

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How This Fortune 500 Company Got NASAs Juno to Jupiter On a Low Budget Fortune

While other Americans were watching July 4th fireworks on Monday evening, more than 100 people were at Lockheed Martins offices outside Denver monitoring the skies for something else: NASAs Juno probe, which successfully reached Jupiter and began...

2. Caroline Aherne

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Tributes continue to be paid to Caroline Aherne BBC News

Tributes have been paid to comedian Caroline Aherne, one of Britains best-loved entertainers, who has died at the age of 52. Friends and fellow entertainers have spoken on social media of their shock at her death. Aherne, who starred in Mrs Merton and ...

3. Charlotte McKinney

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Charlotte McKinney flaunts her assets on Independence Day Sunday World

The 22-year-old model-and-actress spent July 4th on the beach in Malibu and when it was time to go off for a refreshment she struggled to cover up her ample assets in a denim shirt. Charlotte looked like she could have been shooting the new Baywatch...

4. Lightning Map

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Severe weather causes power outages, fallen trees across Boone County Columbia Missourian

About 25 electric customers were affected by lightning-related power outages on Wednesday in Columbia, Columbia Water and Light spokeswoman Connie Kacprowicz said. The largest one affected about 20 customers on West Broadway and Spring Valley...

5. Kevin Durant

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Superteams Like The Warriors Usually Underperform — Will The Kevin Durant Era ... FiveThirtyEight

As we approach the sixth anniversary of LeBron Jamess infamous “Decision,” another free-agent megastar has taken his talents to a superteam. Kevin Durant announced Monday that he was leaving the Oklahoma City Thunder for the Golden State Warriors,...

6. Fergie

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Fergie Talks MILF $, Empowering Moms and Me Time Billboard

Fergie said the vibe on the set was so great that an extended version of the video might be released. Theres so much more content that we shot ... that were just going to keep probably presenting it to everyone. I think M.I.L.F. will probably have ...

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